Illegal Immigration
Opinion & Commentary Archives
for 2007-2008


John Stossel

John Stossel: The Arrogant Conceit of Barack Obama & Rahm Emanuel

Robert Spencer      Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch   

Robert Spencer: Five Convicted in Fort Dix Plot

John F Kennedy with Caroline  Absolute Must Read!

John P. Curran: John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve

Mark Krikorian 

Mark Krikorian: "I Absolutely and Entirely Renounce..."

Immigration Judge Administers Oath in Spanish

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: The Birth of Christ and The Birth of America Are Linked

Dick Morris

Dick Morris (& Eileen Gann): Clinton Donors Are Massive Conflict of Interest

Greg Evensen  MUST READ!

Former KS Trooper Greg Evensen: Intelligence Briefing for Military and Police Forces

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: Let's Spring Ramos and Compean 

Walter E. Williams  MUST READ !

Walter E. Williams: Counterfeiting Versus Monetary Policy

Dick Morris

Dick Morris (& Eileen Gann): The Impending Collapse of Our Enemies

Fred Thompson   Good Video!

VIDEO: Fred Thompson on the Economy

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: Imposter president Obama: Victory Will Be Short Lived

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher 

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Mr. President: Free the Border Agents

Amanda Carpenter 

Amanda Carpenter: Obama Review Clears Staff of Wrongdoing

Robert F. Protectionist: Amnesty Again?  Not Hardly

Frosty Wooldridge  The Bicycling Paul Revere


Hans von Spakovsky: Under Napolitano, Expect Department of No-Land Security


Michelle Malkin: More Border Chaos: U.S. Anti-Kidnap Expert Kidnapped in Mexico

Ken Blackwell 

Ken Blackwell: Reagan Coalition Must Unite

Alan Stang 

Alan Stang: High Court Spits in Your Face

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Wallowing Again

John Lillpop

John Lillpop: More Bailout Outrage: $197 Million Sent to Mexico !!

Larry Elder 

Larry Elder: 'Government Rescue' an Oxymoron 

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: Obama's Permanent Campaign 

Arlen Williams 

Arlen Williams: Fitzgerald Finally Makes a Move: Blagojevich - and What of Obama??


Howard Smith: Citizen Hamdi - The Case Against Birthright Citizenship

Ron Smith

Ron Smith: The Truth About 'Hate Crimes' and the Racial Justice Racket

American Thinker: Bill Richardson Tells Hispanics That Obama is an Immigrant???    (With VIDEO)

Arlen Williams  MUST READ !!

Arlen Williams: The Donofrio Case: 'Natural Born Citizen' is NOT About Obama's Birth Certificate

Wesley Pruden: Imposter in the White House?

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: The End of the Constitutional Republic?

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: Treachery Inside the U.S. Supreme Court

W. R. Schneider: Deport Illegal Aliens so Americans Have Jobs

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: Our System is Broken 

Walter E. Williams 

Walter E. Williams: Ignorance Reigns Supreme

Tony Blankley 

Tony Blankley: Brace for the Change You Do Not Believe In

Ira Mehlman

Ira Mehlman: DREAM Over: Illegal Alien Student Amnesty Awakens to Fiscal Reality

Frosty Wooldridge  The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: America Cannot Sustain Unending Immigration from All Over the World

John Lillpop                                Oklahoma

John Lillpop: Oklahoma: Where Freedom, Rule of Law, and Patriotism Still Matter

James H. Hafeman, MPA: Process for Ineligible Elected Candidate

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Socialistic Republic

Michael J. Gaynor: Is the President-Elect Blackmail-able Over His Birth Certificate??

Neal Ross: You Have No Right To Say I Can't Own One More Gun

Janet Porter- Faith2Action   MUST READ !!

Janet Porter: Rathergate II: Certification of Live Birth a Clear Forgery

Joseph Farah  ANOTHER Must Read!

Joseph Farah: Insufficient Public Interest?  (for Hawaii Judge to Release Obama Birth Certificate?)

Cliff Kincaid  

Cliff Kincaid: Feds Bail Out Rich Arabs in Citigroup Deal

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: What Congress and the Media Won't Tell You

Frosty Wooldridge  The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: Absurd to the Insane: Muslim Immigration into the U.S.A.

Dick Morris 

Dick Morris & Eileen Gann: Hillary Nomination Would Be An Obama-Nation

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Who Killed Detroit?

Larry Pratt - Shooting Back

Larry Pratt: Civil War in Mexico is Spreading to U.S.

Joseph Farah      MUST READ !!

Joseph Farah: Obama's State Secret: His Birth Certificate!

Robert Spencer      Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch   

Robert Spencer: Phoenix Imams Tell Muslims to Disregard U.S. Laws

Craig Macauley: Local Law Enforcement Must Begin Dealing with Illegal Immigrants

Coach Dave Daubenmire   

Coach Dave Daubenmire: Anarchy Has Come

Ira Mehlman   

Ira Mehlman: Next on Bailout List - Illegal Aliens??

Joseph Farah      MUST READ !!

Joseph Farah: Where's the Birth Certificate?

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: The Big Lie About Immigration Enforcement

Vox Day 

Vox Day: Obama's New Deal

Dr. Edwin Vieira, PHD   MUST READ !!

Dr. Edwin Vieira, PhD: Obama Must Stand Up Now or Step Down

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: GUNS and GOD

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: The Final 'Rescue' That Bankrupted America

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly: The Culture War and Obama

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: Don't Be Hypnotized

Bill Howard

Bill Howard: To My Conservative Friends: DISAPPOINTED.....          DISOURAGED......        BUT NOT DEFEATED !!

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: The Reign of Lame Falls Mainly on McCain

Ira Mehlman

Ira Mehlman: 700 Billion (and Counting) Good Reasons to Reform Immigration Policy

Greg Evensen 

Retired Kansas Trooper Greg Evensen: The Next Civil War for Historic America: Are You My Enemy?

Mac Johnson 

Mac Johnson: 7 Questions for Obama on His Illegal Immigrant Aunt (in Public Housing)

David R Usher 

David Usher: Want Your Inheritance? Vote McCain

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Comrade Obama?

David Kupelian  MUST READ !!

David Kupelian: Yes, Barack Obama Really Is a Manchurian Candidate!  Supports Increasing the Tax on Guns by 500 Percent

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: Will the Next U.S. President be Unconstitutional?

Ken Blackwell 

Ken Blackwell: Obama's Dangerous Alignments

Jon Christian Ryter   MUST READ !!

Jon Christian Ryter: Obama's Worst Nightmare - Meet Joe the Plumber!

Fred Weiss: Illegal Immigrants Taking U.S. Jobs

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Obama's First 100 Days - Amnesty Will Be Just the Start

Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky: Did the 'Chicago Way' Work for Obama in Hawaii?

Brenda Walker: Mexico Meltdown Approaches Warp Speed

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo: Proposition 202 - Arizona's Sham Initiative

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: Federal Judge Slaps Voters in Face; Energizes Patriots

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: Obama and "The Left"

Neal Boortz 

Neal Boortz: To The Undecided Voter

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Al-Jazeera for Obama

Dan Spencer  MUST READ !

Dan Spencer: Where's Obama's Proof of Citizenship?

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Coming Backlash

Sam Mathid: It is Time

Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga

Mark Hyman: Obama's Kenyan Ghosts

Dick Morris 

Dick Morris: ACORN Could Be Obama's Fall

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: Florida Sheriff Harassed by FBI for Using Obama's Middle Name 'Hussein'

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Why Doesn't McCain Fight Back?

Amanda Carpenter 

Amanda Carpenter: Obama Distorts ACORN Ties

Patrick J. Buchanan  MUST READ !!

Patrick J. Buchanan: Can McCain Still Win?

Lowell Ponte

Lowell Ponte: McCain Must Attack Obama

Lowell Ponte: Obama and ACORN: You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Vince Johnson: It Insults Law-Abiding Citizens

John W. Lillpop 

John W. Lillpop: Letter to Senators Feinstein & Boxer: Mortgage Loans to Illegal Aliens

Burt Prelutsky 

Burt Prelutsky: ACORN: A Clear and Present Danger

Raul Reyes: ICE Raids on Gangs Truly Makes U.S. Safer

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: The ACORN/Obama Voter Registration "Thug Thizzle"

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: DNC Joins Obama to Block Berg Lawsuit Claiming Obama is Not U.S. Citizen

Thomas Sowell 

Thomas Sowell: The Real Obama  (Part 2)

Thomas Sowell 

Thomas Sowell: The Real Obama  (Part 1)

Amanda Carpenter 

Amanda Carpenter: Details in RNC Complaint on Obama's Foreign Money

John Fund: Vote Fraud 2008

Michael J. Gaynor: ACORN Should Be Obama's Undoing

Dave Gibson: Years of Extending Loans to Illegal Aliens Have Contributed to Economic Crisis.... Congress Silent!

Wheeling News Register Editorial: Keep Up Pressure on Illegal Aliens

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens Ignored by Government and Media

Arlene Jones 

Arlene Jones: Here's Why the Economy Went Bad

Larry Elder 

Larry Elder: Memo to McCain: Take the Gloves Off

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: A Debate "Moderator" in the Tank for Obama

Michael Reagan  MORTGAGE MESS DIRT !

Michael Reagan: Mr. Pin the Tail on the Donkey

Daily Reveille, LSU Editorial: Illegal Immigration, Electoral Votes

Rep. Ron Paul

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul: Bailouts Will Lead to Rough Economic Ride

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: An Amnesty for Stupidity

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum; Gold, Greed, and Deceit

Michael Cutler  MUST READ! 

Michael Cutler: How Many Subprime Mortgages Were Awarded to Illegal Aliens?

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Kill the Bailout; Illegal Immigration and the Mortgage Mess

William Gheen of ALIPAC: No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens or Wall Street Gangsters!

Chuck Norris 

Chuck Norris: The Coming Revolution

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: Bring America Down to Third World Level

Karen Lee Torre 

Karen Lee Torre: 'Sanctuary' Cities Harbor Killers

Roy Beck  NumbersUSA ALERT

Roy Beck: More Foreign Workers Increase Back Alive in Senate Backroom Negotiations

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: One of Them and One of Us

Carol Stillman: Yes to Tent Cities for Illegals

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Sisterhood of Protected Female Liberal Journalists

Richard Geertson: Legislators, Illegal Aliens are Killing America

Stephen M. Kirby: Illegal Immigrants Deserve Prosecution

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: Sickening Deadly Legacy of Sanctuary Cities

Dallas Morning News Editorial: Obama, McCain Avoid Immigration Reform

Jane Kenny: Illegal Immigrants Should Be Deported

Tom Shales

Tom Shales: She Shoots! She Scores! A Hockey Mom's Moment  (With VIDEO)

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Johnny's Got a New Girl: McCain took 'biggest gamble in presidential history'; is 'paying off, big time'...

Jonathan Martin: Delay to media: "Keep it Up"

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Who Vetted Obama?

Stephen Frank 

Stephen Frank: Illegal Aliens are NOT Immigrants, They Are Law Breakers

Travis Holland: Sanctuary Laws are Unsafe

Tim Cananaugh: Is McCain Gulling the Immigration Hawks?

Sam Francis: Illegal Immigrants Find No Need to Learn English

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: NEWSFLASH: Americans Applying for the Jobs Illegal Aliens Were Doing

California Assemblyman John J. Benoit

CA Assemblyman John J. Benoit: Government Should Not Facilitate Illegal Immigration

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Frosty Wooldridge: America Just Doesn't Have Enough Illegal Aliens

Catherine E. Miller: Illegal Immigrants Depress Wages, Lift Costs

Brenda Walker: San Francisco Still Unclear on the Concept of Laws and Borders

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Democrats Endorse Expansion of U.N. Power

Roger Simmermaker: American Hero Companies

Lynn Stuter 

Lynn Stuter: Seattle Times Soft on Illegal Immigration

Rep Lamar Smith 

U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX): Illegals and the Coffers: Amnesty Will Kill Social Security

Lori Byrd: The Case Against Obama - In His Own Words

Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr.: Washington Is Quietly Repudiating Its Debt

Steve Metzer: Businesses, Not People, Are to Blame for Illegal Alien Problem

Phyllis Schafly 

Phyllis Schlafly: Who Will Protect Us from Invasion?

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: San Francisco Values: Let the Illegal Alien Felons Stay!

Paul Westrum: Illegal Immigrant Laws Should Be Enforced

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: What If Illegal Aliens Were Deported?

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid: Obama's Scandal is Bigger Than Edwards

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: National Enquirer: One Down (Edwards), One to Go (Obama)

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri, CPP: Rampant Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens Ignored by Government and Media

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry

U.S. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry: Immigration Policies Must Be Enforced

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Mr. Obama, Welcome to the NFL

Michelle Malkin  MUST SEE VIDEO

Michelle Malkin: Cornering Crooked Louisiana Congressman William 'Cold Cash' Jefferson

Anthony E. Bulver: Illegal Immigrants Hurt Environment

Chuck Baldwin 

Chuck Baldwin: The Three Amigos

Bill Martin: Ruben Navarrette Needs to Learn What 'Born in the U.S.A.' Really Means

Washington Times Editorial: San Francisco's Sanctuary Nightmare

Kathleen Byrne: Illegals Deserve No Sympathy

Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan: Bush Should Strip Sanctuary Cities of Federal Funds

Robert D. Novak     OUTRAGE !!

Robert D. Novak: They Fight But They Can't Vote

Chandra Levy's Killer an Illegal Alien?

Michelle Malkin   MUST READ!

Michelle Malkin: 'Open Borders' Wachovia Bank Posts $8.9 Billion Loss

Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian: Halt Immigration, Legal & Illegal

Rep Mark Burkhalter of Georgia

Georgia State Rep. Mark Burkhalter: Noncitizen Voters Undermine Elections

Chris Powell

Chris Powell: New Haven ID Card Undermines State, U.S. Laws

Gregory D. Lee

Gregory D. Lee: Cut Off Federal Funds to 'Sanctuary Cities' Like San Francisco

National Review: Obama's Glaring Contradictions on Immigration

Perry Bacon, Jr.: Jesse Jackson Incident Revives Some Blacks' Concerns' About Obama (With Video)

John Hawkins

John McCain: McCain Proves Amnesty is Political Suicide for GOP

Steven Page: Global Economy Ruining America's Middle Class

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Urgent Plea to John McCain Regarding Illegal Aliens

John Nash: Illegal Immigrants Threaten Society

Marion Edwyn Harrison: The Immigration Influx Analyzed as a $346 Billion Cost to Taxpayers

Allan Wall

Allan Wall:  McCain Visits Mexico

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus: When a Flip Isn't a Flop

Washington Times Editorial: McCain and Obama: Alien Twins

Daniel Pipes   MUST READ!

Daniel Pipes: Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood

Allan Wall

Allan Wall:  Mexican Official: Many Illegals Deported from U.S. are Criminals, Please Don't Send Them Back

Strategy Page: Mexico Civil War Crosses the Border

Georgie Anne Geyer: Is a "Fidel Castro" in Mexico's Future?

Alan Caruba

Alan Caruba: Real Independence Means Secure Borders

Senator John McCain

Amnesty John McCain on Immigration Reform: "I'm Glad I Did it!"

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: The Ever-Malleable Mr. Obama

Robert D. Novak

Robert D. Novak: The Obamacons Who Worry McCain

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Mexican Law Enforcement, Zetas & Drug Cartels are Participating in Trafficking

Lufkin Daily News: FYI: Phone Numbers Are Available to Report Illegal Aliens

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Trashing America by Endless Immigration  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Sharon Schoenfeld: Illegals are Draining Our  Country's Assets

John Miano: The H1B Visa Sham

Jake Tapper

Jake Tapper: McCain Double-Talk on Immigration?

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly: Who's Looking Out for You: Republicans or Democrats?

Patti Tenckhoff: Illegal Residents are Unwelcome in Fairfield, California

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: 9th Circus Court of Appeals Forced Company to Employ 33 Illegal Alien Janitors with Fake Social Security Numbers

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Return of the Censors

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: American Congressmen Pander to Mexico; Time to Dump US-Mexico Inter-Parliamentary Meetings

Amanda Carpenter

Amanda Carpenter: McCain Proposes La Raza Townhall

Dave Gibson: Our Children Are Being Victimized by Illegal Aliens Editorial: North American Union

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Our Troubled Country: Importing Poverty  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Phyllis Schafly

Phyllis Schafly: Judicial Supremacy Strikes in Oklahoma

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah: U.S. Busts Border Tunnels

Brenda Walker: Return to the JUNGLE - Open Borders Wiping Out a Century of Labor Progress

Gregory D. Lee

Gregory D. Lee: Local Cops Should Enforce Immigration Laws

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: More Offensive: Illegal Aliens With Mexico's Flags, or U.S. Citizens With a Confederate Flag


Washington Times Editorial: America's 'Identity Crisis'

Guy W. Farmer: Illegal Immigrants Role in Drug Trade Shouldn't Be Ignored

Stephen Dinan: McCain's Rhetoric and the Immigration Debate

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: McCain's Phoney Compassion for 80-Year-Old Illegal Aliens

D. A. King of The Dustin Inman Society

D. A. King: Cobb Coalition Just Another Leftist Open Borders Group

Roger Hedgecock

Roger Hedgecock: New Mexican Revolucion' Crosses Border, Infects U.S.

Brenda Walker: Meltdown in Ciudad Juarez

Alan Caruba: Mexico Soon to be a Bigger Problem

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Immigration Fraud is Often Overlooked by the Politicians

Richard F. LaMountain: Did 'Illegal Alien' Cause Salmonella Outbreak?

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: Americans Embracing the Iron Fist of Totalitarian Government

Margaret W. Adelsberger: Did 'Illegal Alien' Cause Salmonella Outbreak?

Joe Guzzardi                                      

Joe Guzzardi: Feinstein's Failed Backdoor Amnesty Effort Had a Bodyguard of Lies

Michelle Malkin                                      

Michelle Malkin: Feinstein/Craig Illegal Alien Farmworker Amnesty Measure is "Jettisoned" .... for Now

Christopher S. Bentley: Mexico's Border Violence and the Security and Prosperity Partnership

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Amnesty Folly: Trusting Known Criminals to Obey the Law

Allan J. Ashinoff: Citizens Seek to Recall Phoenix Mayor

The Desert Sun Editorial: Feds Should Bear Costs When Illegal Immigrants Are Charged

Brad Botwin: Illegal Aliens Abuse Our Laws

Rush Limbaugh

Rush: How About These Immigration Laws!

Rachel Alexander: Striking Changes in Arizona as Illegal Immigrants Flee the State

Washington Times Ed: Pardon Ramos and Compean

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo MUST READ

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo: Real Change Requires Real Honesty

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Open Letter to John McCain: Does Rule of Law Still Mean Anything in America?

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Illegals from 'Special Interest Countries' Flocking to New Mexico

Terrence Pohl: 'Immigrants' are Taking Over U.S.

Allen G. Pittsley: Illegal Immigrants Burden the U.S. Financially

William Gheen: Majority of Americans Oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform or Amnesty

Michelle Malkin                                       Amnesty John McCain

Michelle Malkin: Amnesty John McCain to Speak at Open-Borders La Raza ("THE RACE") Conference

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: The Mobs Take to the Street.... Again

John Lamons: Illegal Immigrants Breaking Multiple Laws

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Congress Imports 182,000 Immigrants Every Month  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Bobby Eberle   

Bobby Eberle: Illegal Aliens Demand 'Rights' and 'Reforms'

Rod Dreher: Illegal Immigrant Marches Fizzle

Tim Murray   

Tim Murray: When Is an Invasion Not an Invasion?

Edwin S. Rubenstein: How Come We Have 40,000 Miles of Interstates, But Not 2,000 Miles of Border Fence?

Patrick J. Buchanan   

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is Barack Obama 'One of Us'?

Gegory D. Lee

Gregory D. Lee: Illegal Aliens Cost Americans More Than Taxes

Scott Snyder: America, Possibly the Next Third-World Country

Rep. John Carey (R-OH): Illegal Immigration Bills Give Local Authorities Larger Role

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Calderon Says Dropping NAFTA Would Damage Economy

Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston: ABC News: Mexican Drug Violence is U.S. Constitution's Fault

NAFBPO: Mexican General Identifies Corrupt Officials

Oklahoma State Representative Randy Terrill MUST READ from USA TODAY:

Okla. State Rep. Randy Terrill: Opposing View: Oklahoma is Doing It's Job

Tom DeWeese 

Tom DeWeese: The Battle for America Must Begin at the Local Level

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere 

Immigration's Education Impact: America Losing Its Mind  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Denise April: No Stimulus Checks for Illegal Immigrants

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: If Minutemen Are Vigilantes, What Do You Call Millions of Invading Illegal Aliens?

George Will

George F. Will: Candidate on a High Horse

Lynn Stuter

Lynn Stuter: Seattle Times Soft on Illegal Alien Criminals

Charles Baryzydlo: Hazelton Mayor is Correct on Illegal Immigrants

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Liver Transplants for Illegal Aliens: Entitlements + Open Borders = Disaster

David Murphy: Put Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants in Jail

John Lillpop

John Lillpop: San Francisco Runs Ad to Attract Illegal Aliens

Philip Aumack: Deny Benefits to Illegal Immigrants

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Dept. of Homeland Security: A Complete Fraud  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Tom Panik: Illegal Aliens, Socialists Ruining U.S. Economy

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Mexican Police and Marines Beating Up (Central American) Illegal Aliens in Mexico

State Senator Chuck Purgason of Missouri

Missouri State Senator Chuck Purgason: Missouri Senate Approves Bill Dealing With Illegal Immigrants in State

Heidi Rowley: Arizona Losing U.S. Bucks for Illegal Immigrant Health Care?

Liza Porteus Viana 

Liza Porteus Viana: Pols: Get Border Agents Ramos & Compean Out of Solitary

State Senator Tim Huelskamp of Kansas   MUST READ

KS State Senator Tim Huelskamp: Kansas Immigration Bills Nearly Empty

Chris Freind: Our Government: Aiding and Abetting Illegal Aliens

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Study Highlights Immigration Flood - by Frosty Wooldridge

?   National Distributors Leasing  ?

Michael Howe: Promoting the North American Union at the Mid-America Trucking Show

(related article here)

Tom Kovach   

Tom Kovach: My 'Dream Team' for the White House

Patrick J. Buchanan   

Patrick J. Buchanan: The 'Isms' That Bedevil Bush

Allan Wall   

Allan Wall: 100,000 Illegal Aliens Leave Oklahoma

Tom DeWeese 

Tom DeWeese: The Manipulation of American Compassion

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Democrats and Republicans: Both Parties Fail Americans - by Frosty Wooldridge

Paul M. Weyrich: Illegal Immigration & Border Patrol: Problems and Probability of More

Jon Christian Ryter 

Jon Christian Ryter: The New American Revolution

Warner Todd Huston  Good 2nd Amendment Article 

Warner Todd Huston: D.C. Jackboots Try to Beat the Supreme Court to the Punch

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Memo from Mexico: Mexican Billionaires Rake in the Cash While Middle Class Americans are Called Racists

James Pennington: Obama's Problem with White Voters

David Limbaugh 

David Limbaugh: Wright Connection Fatally Undermines Obama's Central Theme

Charles Krauthammer 

Charles Krauthammer: The Obama Speech: A Brilliant Fraud

Ken Blackwell      MUST READ!

Ken Blackwell:  (2-Part Series on DC v Heller case)

 - Judging Gun Rights: Are They Inalienable?

 - The Roe v. Wade of Gun Rights

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: A Brief for Whitey

State Rep Stacey Campfield of TN

TN State Rep. Stacey Campfield: Citizens Are Crowded Out of Universities

John Lillpop

John Lillpop: McCain's Illegal Alien Madness: Ignoring Existing Immigration Laws

Patrick J. Buchanan   

Patrick J. Buchanan: Pastor to the President??

Robert Fireovid: Don't Use Tax Dollars to Encourage Illegal Immigration

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Say Goodbye to the Glowbama Mystique

Chuck Fuller: Minnesota Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Aliens

Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese: Why Illegal Immigration is a Threat to The United States   (Part 1 of 2)

Allan Wall 

Allan Wall: "This Has Been and Will Be Mexico"

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr: Is the D.C. 2nd Amendment Gun Case Off Target?

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Playing by Obama's Rules

Real Clear Politics: Controversial Comments Made by Obama's Pastor


Brenda Walker: In Los Angeles, Hispanic Gangs Ethnically Cleansing Black Neighborhoods

H. Lee Fisher: Budget Deficits Caused by Illegal Immigrants

George Putnam  "One Reporter's Opinion"

George Putnam: Obama, Charismatic & Dangerous

Jon Christian Ryter 

Jon Christian Ryter: Debt is Destroying America

Newsday Editorial: Feds Should Pay for Jailing of Undocumented Aliens

Patrick J. Buchanan  Excellent! 

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Return of Ethnic Nationalism

Pastor Chuck Baldwin 

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Who Looks Foolish, Alamo Heroes or Us?

Words of a TRUE Leftist Liberal Lunatic !!

Mike Jones: 'A Little Fairness'


John Stroble: Prolonged Dilemma

John W. Lillpop 

John W. Lillpop: America OCCUPIED By 38 Million Illegal Aliens!

Robert B. Pyle: So Much Talk

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas: Deport Sex Offenders Who Are Illegal Aliens

Carolyn Hileman: I, Like My Dad, Will Not Lay Down My Arms

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

America in Search of a Good Leader - by Frosty Wooldridge

Washington Times Editorial: Nancy Pelosi's Amnesty Scheme

Brian Kirk

Brian Kirk: Illegal Immigrants, Employers are Criminals, Should Be Treated as Such

Dr. Eugene Narrett: Brutality Towards Veterans

Pat Condell: More Demands from Islam

Mike Allen & Ben Smith: Liberal Views Could Haunt Obama

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker: Obama - the Messiah of Generation Narcissism

Gerard Baker                                           Barack Hussein Obama

Gerard Baker: Obama: Is America Ready for this Dangerous Leftwinger?

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: 2 Michelles, 2 Americas, Shame vs. Pride

Rep. Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Modern Problems Associated with Illegal Immigrants Now at a Crisis Point

Bonnie Erbe: How Immigration and Inflation Are Linked

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Why Illegal Aliens Are a Danger to America     (Part 1 of 2)

Randall Burns: Progressive Indictment

Mark Steyn: You Say You Want a Revolution

Duane Lester: Illegal Immigration and National Security - It is Worse Than You Know

John Bigler: Irresponsible Illegal Immigrants

Gary Hubbell: In Election 2008, Don't Forget the Angry White Man

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: Obama Casts His Spell

Gary Kolek: 'Undocumented Immigrants' are Criminals

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Fracturing America: Politicians Serving Us a Bowl of Outhouse Soup - by Frosty Wooldridge

Washington Times Editorial: Obama on the Record

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: That Sucking Sound is Money Leaving the United States

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: The White House Wants a $1.4 Billion Stimulus / National Security Package............ For Who?   FOR MEXICO !!

Sandy Halvorsen: Deport All the Illegal Immigrants

George Putnam  "One Reporter's Opinion"

George Putnam: If You Want More George Bush, Vote McCain

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: McCain Madness

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Quo Vadis, Conservatives?

Joe Guzzardi

Joe Guzzardi: Keep the Faith: McCain (& Amnesty) Will Fail

William Gheen of ALIPAC: Fighting Back Against the American Nightmare!

Adriana Gardella: Can I Sue Rivals for Hiring Illegal Immigrants?

Elise Marciano: Illegal Aliens Put Huge Burdens on Taxpayers

Patrick J. Buchanan    MUST READ !!

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Great Betrayal

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: McCain's Crooked Talk

W. James Antle III: Presidential Pardon: For John McCain, There's No Such Thing as Illegal Immigration

Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan: John McCain Hates Me

William Samuels: Illegal Immigrants Should Be of Prime Concern to Voters

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: McCain's Age. Old-Time Common Sense.

Ronald Kessler

Ronald Kessler: McCain Presidency Would Be a Disaster

Patrick J. Buchanan   MUST READ !!

Patrick J. Buchanan: Why McCain Would be Worse Than Bush   -  McCain Means: Amnesty, Taxes, Liberal Judges, First Amendment Erosion, Free Trade Dogma, War

John Reiniers: Anchors Babies

Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian: John McCain, Multiculturalist, Immigration is Just One Problem

John W Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Invading Illegal Aliens are NOT Immigrants!

Gene McIntyre

Gene McIntyre: Oregon Treats Illegal Aliens Better Than its Mentally Ill

Charles Dyer: Amnesty John   Amnesty John McCain

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: John McCain: The Geraldo Rivera Republican

Paul Greenberg     A GOOD READ!

Paul Greenberg: Martin Luther King, Jr: The Radical as Conservative

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Vicente Fox Plans Another Visit to U.S.

James R. Edwards, Jr: McCain is the Amnesty Candidate

Washington Times Editorial: Deporting Lawbreakers

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: Obama's Muslim Connection

Washington Times Editorial: Senator McCain and Illegal Immigration

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Brothers & Sisters War

Washington Times Editorial: Hillary's Illegals

Mark R. Levin                                         Senator John McCain

Mark R. Levin: The Real McCain Record; Obstacles in the Way of Conservative Support

Rudy Takala                                        

Rudy Takala: Conservatism's Legacy

Edward H. Rogers, Jr.: Illegal-Alien-Loving Columnist Needs Reality Check

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Why Isn't Bush Protecting America

Shirley Ortega Beamer: Hispanic American Blasts Illegal Immigration

Tom DeWeese                                      

Tom DeWeese: Sustainable Development: The Root of All Our Problems

Sher Zieve                                      

Sher Zieve: Congress Shirking Its Duty On Border Control Meltdown

Mark Krikorian                                      Senator John McCain

Mark Krikorian: Amnesty John - If this is straight talk, who needs lies?

Howie Carr                                                Senator John McCain

Howie Carr: Amnesty Bill Could Derail McCain's Train

Mary Starrett

Mary Starrett: Ditch the Preacher Man

Mining Gazette: Local Cops Right on Illegal Aliens

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid: The Secret of Ron Paul's Success

Quin Hillyer: Angry Old Man

John Stossel

John Stossel: Ron Paul on Immigration

Princeton Clarion Editorial: Illegal Immigration is THE Issue

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: When America Was a Real Place to Be Proud Of        (Part 1 of 2)

Dallas Morning News: 70% of Babies Born in Parkland Hospital Were to Illegal Aliens

Washington Times Editorial: Immigration Insights

Doug Giles

Doug Giles: Mike Huckabee: The Too Compassionate Conservative

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Flim-Flam Huckabee

NRO Editorial: Misled in New Hampshire

Hugh Hewitt: The McCain-Kennedy Immigration "Reform" Revisited

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri: Five Foreign Nationals Indicted for Being Illegal Agents for Venezuela

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

U.S. Citizens Comments and Emerging Power Against Immigration - by Frosty Wooldridge

Michelle Malkin       Huckabee Hucked Up

Michelle Malkin: Mike Huckabee: The anti-Rush Limbaugh Candidate

Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz: Governor Schwarzenegger, Release 22,000 Illegal Alien Criminals Back to THEIR Homes, Not Ours!

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Tancredo Bows Out - But Made An Impact

Patrick J. Buchanan Very informative. MUST READ !

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is It Down to Mitt and Mike ?

John W Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: God Bless Tom Tancredo, American Patriot and Hero!

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: There's a Huckabee Born Every Minute

Andre Hollings: Illegals Rob Residents of Safety, Dignity

Chuck Baldwin  MUST READ !


Dennis L Cuddy, PhD 

Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD: The North American Union and the Larger Plan

Star Parker

Star Parker: Huckabee Hunters Pounce

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

America in the Crosshairs of a Cultural Time Bomb - by Frosty Wooldridge

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: Christian Conservatives: Beware of Huckabee

John W. Lillpop

John Lillpop: Another Lying Ex-Governor from Arkansas in the White House?

Richard Valdemar

Richard Valdemar: A Nightmare Scenario

Don A. Bright   MUST READ !

Don A. Bright: The Great Huck(ster)bee

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid: Our Rights Are at Stake in Michael Savage Case

Chuck Baldwin This is My Kind of Pastor !

Chuck Baldwin: BUY A GUN

Cliff Kincaid Bad News Now? Or in the Future?

Cliff Kincaid: Ripert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son to Head Fox News


Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Mutterings About What's Left of Our Country - by Frosty Wooldridge

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Miscarriage of Justice Leads to Bipartisan Effort to Pardon Ramos & Compean

Hank dog A little off subject, til you read all of it !

The Perfect Home Defence

by Clark from:


Charlie Meadows: Immigrants or an Illegal Invasion of Aliens?

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: Immigrants and Illegals Aren't the Same Thing!

Dave Gibson: Immigrants Violence in France Gives Glimpse Into America's Future

Henry Lamb: Flagrant Skirting of the Constitution

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: Where Huckabee Loses Me

Investor's Business Daily Editorial: Johnny On The Spot In Border Agents' Appeals

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Can Diversity Destroy Us?


David Sanders: Stephanopoulos vs. Huckabee: When Words and a Record Get in the Way

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Won't Stop Telling Americans What To Do

Charleston (SC) City Paper: Could Ron Paul Be South Carolina's Perfect Candidate?  The Republican's Republican

Jan Herron: Please Help ICE Agent Cory Voorhis

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: Victims of Uninsured Drivers: Sue the  D.M.V.      Part 2 of 2

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: Victims of Uninsured Drivers: Sue the  D.M.V.      Part 1 of 2

Dena Bunis

Dena Bunis: Immigration is Back - And With a Vengeance


Jim Miles: Gun Grabbers, Cut and Runners, and The Mexican Invasion of America

Ann Coulter 

Ann Coulter: N.Y. Times: An Undocumented Newspaper

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: Mike Huckabee's Open Borders Record

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts: Impending Destruction of the U.S. Economy

Eastern Arizona Courier's Rick Schneider: Mexico's Hypocrisy Cause of Growing Hostility

U.S. Rep. Zack Space

U.S. Rep. Zack Space: Illegal Border Crossing, Smuggling an Everyday Event

Martin Walters: Bottom-Line Mentality Fuels Illegal Alien Invasion Crisis

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Methods for Average Citizen to Stop Illegal Immigration Invasion - by Frosty Wooldridge

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Editorial: ..... & Pardon These 2

Dan Howard - the Outraged Patriot the Outraged Patriot                         

Dan Howard: Bush Pardons Turkeys While Eagles Remain Caged

Jerome R. Corsi                                          Governor Mike Hiuckabee

Jerome R. Corsi: Mexican Consulate Deal Dogs Huckabee Campaign, Critics Charge He Established 'Magnet' for Illegals Financed by Citizens, Businesses

Scott Whitlock                         Dianne Sawyer and Lou Dobbs

Scott Whitlock: ABC's Dianne Sawyer: Oklahoma 'Vigilantes' Going 'Too Far' to Combat Illegals?

Vikki Pickett: Hypocritical Mexico Has a Lot of Gall

Tony Dolz MUST READ! Rep Tom Tancredo

Tony Dolz: Tom Tancredo's Loyalty to America, its Citizens, & Legal Immigrants Needs No Translation

Jerome R. Corsi                                         

Jerome R. Corsi: Gunshot Precedes Anti-North American Union Marches

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: How U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton Stacked the Deck Against 2 Border Patrol Agents

Phyllis Schlafly   

Phyllis Schlafly: Bad New Plans to Rewrite the U.S. Constitution

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: FBI Raids Liberty Dollar

John Fund of WSJ: Lou Dobbs is Advertising for Himself for Presidential Run?

Mike Gallagher

Mike Gallagher: Border Insanity

Carolyn Hileman: It Is Payback Time

Washington Times Editorial: Defeat the Law of the Sea Treaty

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Alien Nation: Immigration and America - by Frosty Wooldridge

James P. Pinkerton

James P. Pinkerton: U. S. Must Crack Down on Illegal-Immigrant Havens

John Longenecker

John Longenecker: Plan on Voting. PLAN NOW.

Tom DeWeese   

Tom DeWeese: Patriots vs. Politicians (Part 1 of 2)

Warren Todd Huston                       Hispanic Sketch

Warner Todd Huston: MKYL Radio: Calling a Rapist Hispanic is 'Racist'          (related story)

Walter Moore  MUST READ !

Walter Moore, L.A. Mayoral Candidate: Three Signs We're Losing the War with Mexico

Phyllis Schlafly   

Phyllis Schlafly: Republicans Know What They Want in a Presidential Candidate

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is a Vote for Rudy a Vote for War?

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas: Election Fuels Illegal Immigration Battle

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

The Population Fix: A Book Review - by Frosty Wooldridge

Randy Alcorn: The Sanctuary Movement

Greg Evensen Former Kansas State Trooper

Greg Evensen: Why True Patriots Are Timeless American Heroes

George Putnam

George Putnam: One Reporter's Opinion - Americans Are Fed Up With Stealth Amnesty

James P. Pinkerton

James P. Pinkerton: The Immigration Clock is Ticking for the GOP

Jim Walsh, National Association of Former Border Patrol Agents: Mexico Exports Its Problems

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Oklahoma's House Bill 1804 And The Clerics Trying To Subvert It

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

Deadly Diseases Migrating Into America With Illegal Aliens - by Frosty Wooldridge

Craige McMillan (from World Net Daily)

Craige McMillan: Illegal Drivers, Illegal Voters??

Brenda Walker: America's Awareness Increasing - But Not As Fast As Italy's

John Longenecker  A Must Read Ref The 2nd Amendment !

John Longenecker: For Non-Gun Owners: 'Heller vs. D.C.' and the 2nd Amendment in a Nutshell

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow retired 46 years of law enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Retired: Killed by the Republican Party

Phyllis Schlafly   

Phyllis Schlafly: Let's Protect American Jobs

John Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Why Illegal Aliens Invade America

Washington Times Editorial: FORUM: A Pro-Illegal Alien Bias

Cliff Kincaid    MUST READ!

Cliff Kincaid: Sinister Secrets of the U.N. Treaty

Ernest Istook: The Best Kept Secret: Enforcement Actually Works

Frosty Wooldridge The Bicycling Paul Revere

How to Piss Off Americans - by Frosty Wooldridge

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: The Transformation of America

Warren Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston: Tulsa, OK TV 8: Immigrants 'Afraid' in the USA

John W. Slagle U.S. Border Patrol (Ret.)  - Undercover Operations

John W. Slagle: Mexico's Immigration Laws and Illegal Aliens

Brian Bonner  The Uncooperative Blogger

Brian Bonner: Huckabee is Soft on Illegal Aliens

Grace McGee: Spitzer's Illegal Alien Driver's License Plan is Slap in Face to All Legal Immigrants

Dick Morris

Dick Morris: Hillary Was OK with Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Sinking Currency, Sinking Country

Barbara H. Peterson: Civil Disobedience: The Right of Revolution

John Lillpop                                                  Oklahoma - Where Illegal Aliens are Still ILLEGAL

John W. Lillpop: Oklahoma! Where Illegal Aliens Are Still ILLEGAL

Roy Warden - Mexican Flag Burner  A MUST READ FOR TRUE PATRIOTS!

                  (Caution - Stern Adult Conversation here) 

Roy Warden: The Third American Revolution

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Christians Need to Beware of Mike Huckabee

Joseph Farah  

Joseph Farah: Be Very Afraid This Halloween

Judge Roy Moore  

Judge Roy Moore: The Flourishing of Federalism

Joe Kress Lt. Col. USAF - (Ret)

Joe Kress: The Overall Plan to Force the North American Union


Devvy Kidd: Why HR 1955 Was Rammed Through Under Cover of Fire  (related story here also)

Frosty Wooldridge  The Bicycling Paul Revere

What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America -  - by Frosty Wooldridge

Edward D. Michalek: Arkansas Needs to Deal with Illegal Aliens

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: The New Import: MDR-TB

Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz: The Democratic Party Supports Discrimination - Witness the DREAM Act

Michael Moriarty  A MUST READ!  (from

Michael Moriarty: From Russia With Love

Robert Robb

Robert Robb: Immigration Law IS a Police Matter

Leon H. Wolf: Mike Huckabee: A Stealth Flip-Flopper

Laurie Roberts

Laurie Roberts: Migrant Crime Figures Obscure the Big Picture

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid: Scandal Rocks U.N. Sea Treaty Organization

Bonnie Erbe: No Match, No Papers, No Problem; Tancredo is Right on This One

Frosty Wooldridge  The Bicycling Paul Revere

M.A.D.D.: Ignore Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers - by Frosty Wooldridge

Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz: NY Governor Spitzer's Insane Illegal Alien Driver's License Dictate is DANGEROUS

Former Kansas Trooper Greg Evensen Former Kansas State Trooper

Greg Evensen: The Lawman's Duty is Never Over

Mary Starrett

Mary Starrett: Third World Election Fraud - Right Here at Home

Joel Turtel

Joel Turtel: Land of the Free? - Not Anymore

David J. Stoddard - Former Border Patrol Agent 27-Year Veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol

David J. Stoddard: Reaping the Whirlwind

Tom DeWeese   Another MUST READ !

Tom DeWeese: Anti-NAU Warriors Beginning to Move the Rock Uphill

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Texas Deputy Freed From Prison; Says Mexican Consulate, Prosecutor Set Him Up

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: Let Washington, DC Feel Your Wrath This Week (Part 2 of 2)

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: Let Washington, DC Feel Your Wrath This Week (Part 1 of 2)

E. J. Montini   MUST READ !

E. J. Montini: Cops: 'We're Basically Policing Mexico'

Michael Cutler Retired 29-Year I.N.S. Special Agent

Michael Cutler: Which America is Destroying Our Country by Enabling and Crime Coddling? Give Me Your Murderers, Rapists, Your Huddled Cons

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Editorial: Breyer's Rationalization: Suicide by Judiciary

Paul Streitz  

Paul Streitz: Huckabee, A New American Quisling

George Weissinger: The Anti-Law Entrepreneurs: Lies, Deceit and Distortion

Joel Hirschhorn   

Joel Hirschhorn: Illegal Alien Invasion Spurs Constitutional Amendment

Patrick J. Buchanan    A MUST READ !

Patrick J. Buchanan: George W. Bush, Globalist

Phyllis Schlafly   

Phyllis Schlafly: The DREAM Act a Nightmare for Taxpayers

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid: Why Bush Sided with Mexican Killers

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: President Bush Defends Rapist-Murderer to Appease Mexico

Conservative Beach Girl: Judge Supports Illegal Aliens Over American Laws

Frosty Wooldridge

Is the White House Calling Our Perceived Bluff on Illegal Aliens? - by Frosty Wooldridge

Monique Cooke: Illegal Immigration is Not a Racial Issue

Tim Graham

Tim Graham: Who's the Bigot Now? Washington Post Finds Self-Loathing Latino Lobbyist

Rod Dreher  An Absolute Must Read !

Rod Dreher: The Galling Arrogance of Mexico

Frosty Wooldridge

Dissolution of Our Culture; Ultimate Breakdown of America - by Frosty Wooldridge

Eduardo A. de Oliveira

Eduardo A. de Oliveira: For Tancredo, a Bit of Name Recognition

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri: Mexican Government Reveals Plans for Trans North American Corridor

Michael Cutler

Michael Cutler: NY Guv's Driver's License Plan a Threat to Entire Nation

Scott Whitlock

Scott Whitlock: ABC Blames Angry, Emotional Americans for Immigration Debate

James Foxcurran: Mexican Claims to U.S. Soil are Historically Unfounded

Phyllis Schlafly    A MUST READ !!

Phyllis Schlafly: Scholars Confirm Plans for North American Union

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: 'Amero' Currency Coming Within Decade

Joe Guzzardi

Joe Guzzardi: New York Governor Eliot Spitzer - Latest Toast of the Treason Lobby

PA Superior Court Judge Correale F Stevens

Superior Judge Steven Correale: Judge Defends Role at Immigration Event


Dess Chappelear: Koch: Criminal Element Crosses Border, Too

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch: Learning the Facts Behind 'The Grand Compromise!'

John Kuethe: Mexican Flag vs. American Flag

Former Kansas State Trooper Greg Evensen

Greg Evensen: The County Sheriff Stands in the Gap for Americans

Allan J. Ashinoff: Mexican Hospitality in America

Gary Jordan: Illegal Aliens Should Be Punished, Not Rewarded

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd:  Business Owners Angry Over Rounding Up Illegals (Part 1 of 2)

Frosty Wooldridge

Newark, Phoenix, Denver Sanctuary Policies for Illegal Aliens: Deadly Results by Frosty Wooldridge

Mark Potter

Mark Potter: More Cubans Arriving With a 'Dusty' Foot

Jim Ludwick: Oregon Driver Licenses and Illegal Aliens

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: U.S. For Sale to Foreigners by Texas Hold 'Em Rules

Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D.: Gov't to Vets: Thanks For Your Sacrifice, Now Give Us Your Guns

George Putnam

George Putnam: Attrition Can Replace Amnesty

The Virginian-Pilot Editorial: Immigration Chaos Descends on Richmond

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Calderon Continues Mexican Mooching and Meddling

Amanda B. Carpenter

Amanda B. Carpenter: HillaryCare Door Wide Open to Illegal Aliens

David Sterling: Don't Fall for Labor-Shortage Fears

Charles & Diane Lothrop: Tancredo was Correct  on New Hampshire Immigration Bill

The Federalist Blog: What 'Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof' Really Means

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Oregon Schools Using Mexican Government-Supplied Lessons

Washington Times Editorial: No Dream At All

Frosty Wooldridge

Disgruntled Letters from Americans on Immigration  - by Frosty Wooldridge

Kent Lundgren:  Wilderness, Border Patrol and National Security

Billy D. Miller: The Tribune is the Biggest Part of the Illegal Immigrant Problems in Greeley

Jim Kouri   Time to Take Our Schools Back!

Jim Kouri: Public School Assignment Has Students Renounce Their U.S. Citizenship

Jack Dunphy: We Don't Need No Stinking License

Mary Starrett

Mary Starrett: This Dream is Still a Nightmare

Kate O' Beirne   A MUST READ !

Kate O'Beirne: Amnesty Again, Back to the Senate

Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol

Glenn Spencer: More USA Today Nonsense

Juliana Casillas

Juliana Casillas: Government 'Freebies' to Illegal Immigrants Should Stop

George Putnam

George Putnam: One Reporter's Opinion - We Put the Brakes on Mexican Truckers

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri: INVASION USA: High-Tech Security Visas Sold on Mexican Black Market

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: English Speakers Told to Get Out

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Why is Federal Authority Inviolable in Hazelton, But Irrelevant in Newark?

John C. Eastman: Born in the USA: Does That Guarantee Citizenship?

Rep Tom Tancredo for President

US Rep Tom Tancredo: Protect America's Children

Col. David Shaver: Stealth Drive Continues For Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill

Kris W. Bobach, J.D.: A Sleeper Amnesty: Time to Wake Up from the DREAM Act

Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingraham: Secure the Borders Now

Frosty Wooldridge

True Immigration Reform: Cut The Numbers  - by Frosty Wooldridge

U.S. Representative Candice Miller (R-MI)

U.S. Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI): More Illegal Immigrants, More Seats in Congress?

Dallas Letters: Teamsters and Mexican Trucks

Brigitte Brecheisen: Illegal Immigrants Bring Diseases into States

Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly: Bush Refuses to Deny the North American Agenda

Mark Lowry: ZERO Immigration is the Only Thing That Can Save America Now. Stop Apologizing for Being a Patriot.

Walter Moore

Walter Moore: We're Losing A War We Don't Even Know We're In

Washington Times Editorial: Virginia's Alien Lawbreakers

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: No Babu, We Don't Owe Mexicans Amnesty

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Name Changed to Hide NAFTA 'Superhighway'?

Rick Moran: Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico

Patrick J. Buchanan  An ABSOLUTE MUST READ !

Patrick J. Buchanan: We Did It To Ourselves - Thanks to Free-Traders

Carloyn Hileman: They Are Not Even Being Shy About It Anymore

San Francisco Examiner Editorial: When Foreign Labor Is 'Dumped'

Warner Todd Huston    Excellent Article!

Warner Todd Huston: Kansas City Star: La Raza Hispanic Activists More Desirable Than Patriotic Minutemen?

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Civilian Prisons Coming Soon to a U.S. Army Base Near You

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: Stop the NAU/SPP - What Does That Really Mean? (Part 1 of 2)

Dave Gibson: Illegal Aliens Are Hunting Our Children

Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D.: No NAFTA Super Highway? Don't Believe 'em

Frosty Wooldridge

Michael Chertoff as Attorney General? God help us - by Frosty Wooldridge

'Tucson Citizen' Editorial: Drug Cartels Infiltrating as U.S. Agents Face Shortage

Tom DeWeese  MUST READ !

Tom DeWeese: The Principles of Freedom vs. Public/Private Partnerships - Part 3

Harry Reynolds: Greedy Pile Up Wealth on the Backs of Illegal Mexican Immigrants

Gabriel Garnica

Gabriel Garnica: America is an Addict Hooked on Illegal Immigration

Mark Cromer: California Travesty; Doctor Fired Over Questioning Unlawful Non-Emergency Health Care Given to Illegal Aliens

Jerry Caplin: Costs of Illegal Immigration

Peter Brown: Immigration Crackdown Will Answer Questions

Michael Gaynor: Ann Coulter, Right on Immigration

Chet Dembeck: Forbidden Subject: Illegal Aliens and Crime

Roy Duncan: The Ultimate Cost of Illegal Immigration

Cliff Kincaid  MUST READ !

Cliff Kincaid: Wall Street Journal Lies About Sea Treaty

Pastor Chuck Baldwin ANOTHER MUST READ !!

Chuck Baldwin: Still Looking for the Black Regiment

Bill O' Reilly

Bill O'Reilly: Protecting Criminal Aliens

James H. Walsh: 'Sanctuary' for Criminal Aliens

Jon Christian Ryter

Jon Christian Ryter: Beijing's Nuclear Option

Frosty Wooldridge

Americans Deceived by Their Mayors in a Dance of Death - by Frosty Wooldridge

Paul Mulshine

Paul Mulshine: The Public's Not With the Pols on Illegal Aliens

How Do You Become an Illegal Alien Activist?

Debra Saunders: Arellano's Overdue Departure

Frosty Wooldridge

The Newark Massacre: Where's the Outrage? - by Frosty Wooldridge

David J. Stoddard 27 Year Veteran of the Border Patrol

David J. Stoddard: The Sanctuary Deception

Tammy Bruce

Tammy Bruce: Americans Fed Up - Majority Want Comprehensive ILLEGAL ALIEN CRACKDOWN

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily  MUST READ !

Joseph Farah: Declare War on MS-13

John Benton & Ken Taylor: The War in America - The Sunday Commentary

Mike Kelly columnist

Mike Kelly: Heinous Murders Put Spotlight on Illegal Immigration

Brian Mosely

Brian Mosely: Freed Illegal Immigrants Endanger the Public

Todd Seifert: ICE Should Give the U.S. Census Bureau the Cold Shoulder

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Still Looking for the Black Regiment

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: 'Savage' Nation Offers U.S. Citizenship to Illegal Aliens?

NRO Editors: Rethinking Immigration

Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve: Liberal States Engaging in Anarchy For Illegals

Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol

Glenn Spencer: "As I See It"

Frosty Wooldridge

Sanctuary Policy: Killing Americans in Their Own Cities - by Frosty Wooldridge

Three College Students Murdered by Illegal Aliens
(August 14, 2007)


Jesse Lee Peterson: Blacks Are Being Terrorized by Illegal Aliens

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation: It's Your Choice

Tom Fitton: Closed SPP Advisory Group Meetings?

Robin Bronen: Alaskans Bear Heavy Costs of Holes in Immigration Laws

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie: When Silence Isn't Golden

James Regions: Non-Assimilating Immigrants Threaten U.S. Way of Life

John W. Lillpop

John W. Lillpop: Profile of a "Good-Hearted Hard-Working" Illegal Alien

William Krupa: Use 'Tough Love' Toward Illegal Immigrants

Richard Salome: Promises Not Kept From Last Illegal Alien Amnesty

Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson: Sanctuary Cities

Tammy Bruce: The Sham Bush Admin Illegal Immigration Crackdown

Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian: Change of Heart on Immigration? The White House Thinks It's Calling America's Bluff

Chris Freind: Student Lives Would Have Been Saved Had Authorities Done Their Job

Frosty Wooldridge

Peter Boyles of Denver's KHOW Radio Show -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Katie O' Malley: Do Liberals Raise Their Kids This Way?

John W Slagle 12 Years in Undercover Operations - US Border Patrol

John W. Slagle (Ret. Border Patrol): Interstate Smuggling Corridors I-70, Colorado State Police Arrest 48

Vox Day: Join Forces Against the North American Union

Jim Kouri: Illegal Alien Gang Violence in America Increasing

Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD: Is This A Twisted TV Game Show On Our Borders? Which Government Will Prosecute Our Border Agents

Barbara Kovalec: Illegal Immigrants Tax Health System

Barbara Curtin: Writer Blames Oregon Governor For Illegal's Alleged Crimes

Craig Averill: Senator Leahy a Friend of Illegal Aliens

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: The Wrong Kind of Illegal Alien Tip Line    (related news story here)

Kristin Edelhauser: Illegal Immigrant Employers Beware

Debbie Schlussel  MUST READ !!

Debbie Schlussel: ABSURD to the Nth: ICE Gives Free Reign to Illegal Alien Mom Who Neglected Her Son to Death, the First Necro-Anchor Baby

IWI: Europe's Immigration Superiority Complex

Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve: Congress Selects Back Door Program for Illegals

Richard Kelsey: Real Reform Must Make Illegal Immigration Harder

Tom Fitton: Taxpayer-Funded Border Crashers

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Why Are Christians So Gullible?

Brian Donahue: They Great Immigration Myth: 'Our Ancestors Came to the U.S. Illegally'

Dave Lindorff: Martial Law Threat is Real Were Illegal Aliens The Cause Of The Bridge Collapse?

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Premeditated North American Merger: Secret Memo: One-World Agenda Dominates SPP Summit

Conservative Beach Girl: Multi-Culturalism and the Death of a Nation

Joyce Cline: Miscarriage of Justice

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: New Haven & Hazelton: A Tale of Two Cities

Dr. & Mrs. Mike Ritze: Repeal NAFTA

U.S. Rep. Tom Price: Democrats Manipulate Vote to Allow Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Joe Guzzardi

Joe Guzzardi: Wave of Hate? More Propaganda from the Treasonous Lobbyists of 'La Raza'

Matthew Spalding and Israel Ortega: Immigration Reform: The Need for Upholding Our National Language

Mark Lowry: It's a Marxist Invasion, Not Legal or Illegal Immigration. The Hegelian Principle.

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer: Aliens In Their Hometown

Tim Bueler: One Sheriff Shows America How To Deal With Illegal Immigration

Douglas MacKinnon

Douglas MacKinnon: Illegal Aliens Declare War on the United States

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Mr. President, Please Release Ramos and Compean

The 'Strip-the-Car' Approach to Legalizing Aliens
(July 30, 2007)


Debbie Schlussel  MUST READ !!

Debbie Schlussel: Jihad Spence: Fred Thompson's Pan-Islamic Campaign Manager

American Patrol Supporter: A Step Backwards in the Thompson Campaign  (

Christopher Adamo: Foreign Collaborators of the American Insurgency

Carolyn Hileman: Immigration Crackdown 'Gonna Get Ugly'

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie: Barefoot and Misled

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Help Me Locate the Black Regiment

Jeff Schwilk: Some Churches Choosing to Ignore Immigration Laws

Frosty Wooldridge

Ethnic Cleansing of Americans in America's Cities -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Peter Gadiel: Insecure Borders: Let's Give Blame Where Blame Is Due

Ben Kellerman Forsyth: Ethnic Tensions at Core of Dispute

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Government Arrogance is Out of Control

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson: Bush's Cognitive Dissonance

Nathan Tabor: Zina Linnik: An Immigration Tragedy?

WND: Immigration Solution? Enforce the Laws!

Devvy Kidd                                related story  Zina Linnik

Devvy Kidd: Senators Cantwell & Murray: Zinnie's Blood is on Your Hands

Excellent Article on North American Union !

Stephen Lendman: The Militarization and Annexation of North America, The Security and Prosperity Partnership (Unmasked)

Frosty Wooldridge

Balkanization of America Accelerating  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Randy Alcorn: The High Cost of Illegal Immigration

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin:

Wilson Faris: Enforce the Immigration Laws

Tom Murrah: Illegal Immigrants Aren't Law-Abiding People

Steven A. Camarota: Immigration, Social Security, and the Labor Market

John Brock: Immigration Reform is Dead; Now It's Up to the Local Governments

Jim Dooley: For Whom Amnesty Tolls

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts: Impeach Bush and Cheney Now

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Geraldo Rivera's Breathless Tease

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: No Tags For Illegals

Marcel R. Didier: Illegal Invaders Given Preferential Health Care

Connie Fogal

Connie Fogal: The U.S. Military Bullying Canadian Citizens??

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow retired 46 years of law enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Retired: Setting Up The Devil's Kingdom On Earth

Allan Wall

Allan Wall:  Memo From Oklahoma; Cashing In On Illegal Immigration In The Sooner State

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer: George W. Bush: Bad to the Bone

James R. Edwards, Jr: Immigration, Security, and Prosperity

John Hawkins

John Hawkins: Fixing Illegal Immigration in 10 Common Sense Steps

Leonard Carrier: For Corporations, Illegal Immigration is Big Business

David Brooks: Dream of Total Integration Clashes With Reality

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie: Why (STILL) No Pardon for Compean or Ramos?

Billie Louden: I'm A Racist?

Warren Todd Huston: Europe's 'Immigration Problems' Close to Boiling Point

Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams on Illegal Immigration

Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly: The Voters Roared and the Senate Listened

Elaine DeIorio: Don't Tread On Me

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn: Passing Buck on Immigration Costs Teen Girl's Life

Robert J. Bonadonna: Immigration Bill Threatens American Middle Class

J.R. Dieckmann: Stop Saying "We Can't"

Steve Sailer: How Carlos Slim, World's Richest Monopolist, Provokes and Profits From the Mexodus

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: Tolerating Illegals is Discriminatory

Ed Williams: Does America Need to Update the Constitution?

John O. Edwards: Pro-Illegal Immigration Forces Back the North American Union

IBD: Hard Line on Illegals a GOP Loser? Not in View of an Old GOP Winner

U.S. Government Creates an Illusion of Border Security
(July 7, 2007)


Dan Howard of Outraged Patriots the Outraged Patriot

Fourth of July: Bask in the Glow of Our Permanent-Temporary Victory - by Dan Howard

Greg Fake: Martinez Shows His Cluelessness

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: The Mexican Store

Jim Tso, Legal Immigrant: 'Martinez, Nelson Wrong on Immigration'

Best Way To Denver? Manhole

Terence Jeffrey

Terence Jeffrey: Now Secure Our Country, Mr. President

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: Taking America For Granted

One Old Vet: Illegal Immigrants May Flee From Arizona To Other States

Carolyn Hileman: We'll Keep Doing Our Job

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Independence Now, and Forever

Debbie Schlussel: Not Dead yet, The Sequel: Amnesty Advocates Pressing On

J.F. Meyer: Ted Kennedy's Seven Amnesties

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: This is Democracy; Upsetting the Elite

Peter D. Salins: Use Social Security to Seal the Border

Cal Thomas: Who Will Enforce the Law on Illegal Immigrants?

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: The Diminished Capability of the Department of Homeland Security

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: Believe Only Mexicans

Doug Powers

Doug Powers: Ted Kennedy's Final Plunge?

Peter Burns: The Immigration Revolt Was Bipartisan

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer: The Misery of Diversity

Wes Vernon

Wes Vernon: Washing to Voters; Drop Dead; The Voters to Washington: You Work for Us

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: Lindsay Graham Should Quit

Louise Burns: Send Most Illegals Back

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: The McCain Campaign Death Watch

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: The Worst Tragedy of the Bush Presidency

Patterico: The Difference Between Legal and Illegal Immigrants is Simpler Than the L.A. Times' Rosa Brooks Realizes

Howard Kingsbury: No Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Washington Times: The People Killed Amnesty

John W. Lillpop: Why Not Give 'Rule of Law' a Chance?


Senator Jim DeMint

Senator Jim DeMint: Defeat of the Immigration Bill, "The American People Won Today"

Phil Kent: The Largest Amnesty Bill in History (Defeated for Now)

The Border Fence: So Far, Lip Service

by Dave Eberhart 

Joe Bell: Senate Immigration Bill is Insulting and Irresponsible

John W. Lillpop: Mr. President, Your Helicopter is Ready!

U.S. Senate Resurrects the 'Freddy Krueger' Amnesty Bill
(June 27, 2007)


NRO: Amnesty Eight

Daniel Downs: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Sings the Globalist Tune of Immigrant Amnesty

Mark Lowry: American Patriots, America's First Hate Group, Are Back to Preserve Liberty, Join Us

Frosty Wooldridge

Our Fragile Constitutional Republic  -   by Frosty Wooldridge

Illegal Immigration Alternatives: How States Should Respond - by James J. Carafano, PhD

Terrence P. Jeffrey: You'll Find Illegal Aliens in the Darndest Places - In Government, Too

John W. Lillpop: Open Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid

Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.

Matthew Spalding, PhD: Undeniably Amnesty: The Cornerstone of the Senate's Immigration Proposal

Paul Craig Roberts: The Reign of Tyrants is at Hand

David J. Stoddard 27 Year Veteran of the Border Patrol

David J. Stoddard: The Senate 'Reform' Bill Travesty

As You See It: Readers Want a Fresh Start

Allan J. Ashinoff: ON DEAF EARS

Senator Richard Shelby: Secure Our Borders First

Tristan Emmanual   Interesting!

Tristan Emmanual: The Tragedy of Anglo-Saxon Self-Hatred

Carolyn Hileman: Things You Need to Know Right Now

David Rogers: Immigration II: No Guarantees

Sher Zieve: Military Warns Personnel Don't Go to Mexico While Senate Pushes Open Borders

Rep. Peter T. King

U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY): 'Security First'

Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Plots North American Union (NAU)  by Daneen G. Peterson, Ph. D.


Neal Boortz   Quite Interesting !

Neal Boortz: 'Give 'em all a little nuclear waste and let 'em take it down there to Mexico'

Byron Whitesides: AMNESTY in Disguise

Immigration Bill a 'No Go'
(June 22, 2007)


Devvy Kidd    MUST READ !

Devvy Kidd: The Only Way to Stop Bush's Promotion of Illegals Invading America


Senator James Inhofe (OK): Secure Borders Now


H. Millard: Bush 'Bitch Slaps' American Citizens


Lloyd Billingsley: The Preferences Are Coming - Twelve Million of Them


Frosty Wooldridge

Bush's Trojan Horse For America -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Kris W. Kobach (D.Phil.,J.D.): The Senate Immigration Bill, A National Security Nightmare

Senator Kennedy Ignoring U.S. Laws
(June 17, 2007)


Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah: Easy to Get Rid of Illegal Aliens

Debra J. Saunders: Journalists Ignore the Fact that Voters Want Less Illegal Immigration


Mark Steyn: Immigration Bill is a FRAUD

Mark R. Taylor: Before We Secure the rest of the World, We Must First Secure Ourselves

William J. Federer: Trust Ted Kennedy, again ?

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: We Agree on Border Security, Don't We?

Paul J. Cella: The Monster Returns

Oscar Harward: Don't Cram Amnesty Down Our Throats

Lawrence Aaron: Immigration Bill Ignores Low-Wage Workers' Concerns

Washington Times: Immigration Laws on the Books

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: Who Decides?

James P. Pinkerton: Hard Line on Immigration Helps the GOP

Frosty Wooldridge

PLAGUE OF 21ST CENTURY AMERICA  -  by Frosty Wooldridge

Edwin S. Rubenstein: The Bush Betrayal - By The Numbers  (79% Increase in Illegal Aliens in Bush's Six Years in Office)

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: 'No Drug Smuggler Left Behind!'

Froma Harrop

Froma Harrop: Bush Clout on Immigration 'All Used Up'

Bobby Eberle

Bobby Eberle: Bush Loses Base Over Amnesty Bill

Mark Kimble: Goldwater Leaps Back Into Illegal Immigration Fray, Petitions for Ballot Initiative

Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Incoming ! Mexican Airplanes on Radar

Lou Dobbs CNN

LOU DOBBS: Give it a rest, Mr. President

Ivy Scarborough  MUST READ !

Ivy Scarborough: The Inevitable Consequences of Illegal Immigration


Patrick J Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Regime Against the Nation


Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow retired 46 years of law enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired: Taking Back The Country

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: It Ain't Over 'Til The Alien Wins

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: Bipartisan Betrayal

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid:  Bush Sides With Mexican Killers Against U.S.

Devvy Kidd

Illegals/NAU: A Hot Summer Coming - by Devvy Kidd


Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: Now! What Will Happen With Immigration


Victor Davis Hanson: Mexifornia, Five Years Later


Don Winter

Don Winter: Immigrants, Illegal Aliens, Or Simply Criminals?


Barbara Anderson: Amnesty Bill on CPR?


Government's Illusional Border Security
(June 11, 2007)


Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi: Another Border Patrol Agent Sent to Prison


John Lillpop: Doing Work Illegal Aliens Refuse to Do

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich: The Immigration Conflagration Is Not Yet Extinguished

Herman Cain

Herman Cain: Immigration Bill: Lots of Bad Ideas, and No Fence

Carolyn Hileman: DON'T DO IT

Peter Brown: Should Reform Be For The Immigrants Or The National Interest?

McCAIN MELTDOWN MADNESS: Ignore Existing Immigration Laws - by John W. Lillpop

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah: Tom Tancredo's Interesting Suggestion: How About an Immigration 'Time-Out'?

Jeremy Schwartz: Inside Mexico's Drug Cartel Underworld

Diana West

Diana West: The Politically Correct End of the English-Speaking People?


Mark Steyn: A Lame Joke Becomes Reality

Basil Harrington:  Time to Impeach G W Bush

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid:  Bush Sews Seeds of America's Demise

Chris Kelly: Solution to Illegal Immigration Problem is to Go After Employers

Michael Kraft

Michael Kraft: Lindsay Graham Countdown Clock

J. B. Williams:  Note to Congress...

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: Lots of False Arguments for Immigration Bill

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow retired 46 years of law enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired: The Suborning of Presidential Treason by a Derelict Congress

Jon Dougherty

Jon Dougherty: Ted Kennedy Sells Us Out - AGAIN

Amanda B Carpenter

Amanda B. Carpenter: Border Agents Warn Immigration Bill Will Compromise National Security

James K. Pinkerton: Homeland Security? It's As Lame As it's Leader

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Needed: 3-Dimensional Leaders - by Chuck Baldwin

Wes Vernon

Wes Vernon:  Immigration Bill: Go Ahead - - Break the Law! Who Cares?

Republicans: Sellouts? Chain of Fools?                       by Allan J. Ashinoff

Patrick J Buchanan A DEFINITE Must Read !!

Patrick J. Buchanan: Time to Split the Blanket

Mary Starrett

Mary Starrett: GOP Drowns Out True Conservatives

Peter Gadiel: A  9/11 Father, Lifelong Republican, says: Time To Impeach Bush Over Immigration

Ted Kennedy to Bush's Rescue on Immigration Bill - by Dale McFeatters

David Sanders: Trouble on the Texas Border

Washington Times: Social Security and Immigration

Le Shawn Barber

Le Shawn Barber: Local Washington DC Liberals Learning New lessons on 'Diversity'

Alan Caruba: The Demise of the Republican Party

Another Bush Flunky Calls American People Racists by Dave Gibson

Laura Ingraham  Don't miss this awesome audio track!

Laura Ingraham Unleashes on the Amnesty Bill

Alicia Colon

Alicia Colon: The Right and Left Both Miss the Mark on Illegal Aliens

Chip McLean

Chip McLean: President 'Do Wrong'

Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian: Legal, Good / Illegal, Bad ?

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: Get In Line, Einstein

Surprise! Immigration Debate Affects RNC Donations

Lionel Waxman: War is Coming to Tucson

Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke: Getting the Government the Third World Deserves

Raymond Kraft: Immigration: A Privilege, Not a Right

Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth: Don't Question Things, Just Look the Other Way

John Gizzi

John Gizzi: Hazelton (PA) Mayor Says Immigration Bill Puts "Amnesty First, Security Maybe"

Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz: It IS Amnesty. The $5,000 Fine is a Sham

Froma Harrop

Froma Harrop: The Working Class Is Not Stupid About Immigration

John Hawkins: Why The Senate Amnesty Bill Would Be An Unmitigated Disaster For America

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: Leprosy, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Rising Fast in United States

Le Shawn Barber

Le Shawn Barber: Low-Income Blacks and Illegal Immigration

Tom Knott: Influx Of Illegals Pushes More Of Us To The Fringes

R. Cort Kirkwood: Will Congress Turn Its Back On You When It Comes To Immigration?

Frosty Wooldridge Frosty Wooldridge

Amnesty: Undermining America's Civilization

Congress and President in Violation of Their Oaths of Office

The Insanity of the 'Guest Worker Amnesty Program'
(May 29, 2007)


George F. Will

George Will:  Out of What 'Shadows'?

Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, PhD.

Importing Violence: The Dangers of Immigration From Violent Cultures by Deborah Schurman-Kauflin

Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz:  Bush - Ring Leader of Plot to Grant Amnesty to 20 Million Illegal Aliens at a Cost of $2.5 Trillion

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Miss USA Rachel Smith Falls, Mexico Boos: Where's the Outrage From DC?

Another Wrong Approach to Immigration Reform  by J. F. Kelly, Jr.

Andy Selepak: Senator Reid's Amnesty for Terrorists Bill

Charley Reese: Illegal Immigration is Running Amok

Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian: No Alien Left Behind

There's nothing as permanent as temporary immigration status.

Black News Weekly: Lou Dobbs is Right; The Illegal Immigration Bill Hurts the Black Community - by Sinclere Lee

Tom Van Riper: Labor Won't Embrace Immigrants

James R. Edwards, Jr: The Amnesty Spin Zone

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: The Amnesty Fraud: Part III

Robert Bluey

Robert Bluey:  The Policy of Amnesty

....'has Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it'

George Putnam

One Reporter's Opinion: We Are Ruled by 'Stealth Government' -  by George Putnam

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow retired 46 years of law enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired:

It's Time To Stand Up - Put Up - Shut Up

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: Immigration Bill Not Ready For Prime Time

Peggy Noonan

Peggy Noonan: Slow Down and Absorb

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: George W. Bush is the GOP's Bill Clinton

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer: Please, Can my Sister Become An Illegal Immigrant?

John Podhoretz

Better Off Losing; Bush Can't Afford an Immigration Victory


Rebecca Hagelin

Rebecca Hagelin: Ripping the Lid Off the Secret Immigration Deal


Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Importing a Slave Class

Kris W. Kubach: Rewarding Illegal Aliens: Senate Bill Undermines the Rule of Law

John Fonte: 'Comprehensively Bad'

Faux Immigration Reform

John Lillpop: Essential American truths Hispanics Must be Forced to Accept

The U.S. Senates' "Adopt an Illegal" Program by Carolyn Hileman

Dora Alicia Rascon: Assimilation is a Personal Responsibility

Ron Fournier: Election-Year Posturing Threatens Future of Immigration Compromise

Frosty Wooldridge


Frosty Wooldridge: You Can And Will Stop America's Suicide

John Lillpop: 'Bushwhacked' on Immigration? 

Amnesty Folly: Counting on Known Criminals to Obey the Law

So Much for the 9/11 Commission's Report
(May 22, 2007)

Donald W. Belcher: Policy for Illegal Aliens a Failure

Neal Boortz

Neal Boortz: The Hidden Cost of the Amnesty Bill

John Lillpop: 'Bushwhacked' on Immigration? 

Amnesty Folly: Counting on Known Criminals to Obey the Law

Let Immigrants Enlist in Army to Gain Citizenship

Janet Folger

Janet Folger: Old Mitt, new Mitt, red Mitt, blue Mitt

Selwyn Duke: Non-Assimilating Immigrants

Ron De Jong: Text of Bush-Kennedy Bill Reveals 'Amnesty From Line 1'

Immigration Bill: The Politicians Aren't Listening - by Gary Hubbell

Wall Street Journal Readers Respond to 'Amnesty Hoodwink" Attempt

Brian Darling: Bordering on Insanity; Bush, McCain Let Ted Kennedy Have His Way on Immigration

Jim Kouri: Tens of Thousands of Criminal Aliens Invade the US; The Senate Lie of Immigration Reform

R.W. Lorrah: An Open Letter to Congress

Ron Fournier: 'Illegals' Deal Travels Rough Road

SOS: America Under Duress!  by John Lillpop

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Poll Results on Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill

W. James Antle III:  No Amnesty For McCain

Michael Savage: Stop the 'I-Bomb' on America

Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson: Scrap it !

Re: McCain - This Is The End  (by Hugh Hewitt)

Bill West: Immigration "Reform" Will Be National Security Disaster

Rush H Limbaugh III

Rush Weighs In On Bad Immigration Bill

Brian Darling: Amnesty Bill Makes No Sense

John Lillpop: Where Will The Next 20 Million Illegal Aliens Come From?

'You Are Either With Us or Against Us' Applies to Border Control Crisis
(May 17, 2007)

National Review: No to Bush-Kennedy

Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball

Terrorists in the File Cabinet?  by Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball

Community Should Pay Attention to Findings About Smithfield Packing Co.'s Hog Plant

June Barnett: Illegal Immigrants Deserve Deportation, Not Sympathy

Western Multiculturalism - A One Way Ticket to Suicide?

Rick Moran: Immigration Liars And The Lying Liars Who Have Been Lying To Us All Along

Kip Allen: A Modest Immigration Proposal (With Apology To Jonathan Swift)

Hugh Hewitt: A Disaster: The GOP Caves on Border Security

Brian Bilbray

Brian Bilbray: 'Comprehensive' Shouldn't Mean AMNESTY

Patrick J. Buchanan: The New World Order GOP

Kate O' Beirne

Kate O' Beirne: AMNESTY $$$$$$

South Carolinians Have HAD ENOUGH !!

Maimon Schwarzschild: Immigration, the Mexican Elite, and the Democrats

Gabriel Garnica

Gabriel Garnica: Now Serving America's Greatest Threat: The Triple-Decker Illegal Immigrant Terrorist Shield Sandwich

Alan Caruba: Too Many Illegal Aliens

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: No Sanctuary For Illegal Aliens At Our Church

Working-Class Conservative: Illegal Immigration's Impact on Wage Rates

Amanda B. Carpenter: Giuliani in Order to Protect Illegal Aliens

Vin Suprynowicz

Vin Suprynowicz: Illegals Push Citizens to Boiling Point

Matthew Sheffield: Geraldo's Immigration Sob Story

Cliff Kincaid: Rudy Giuliani Linked to "NAFTA Superhighway"

Bobby Eberle

Bobby Eberle: Crucial Week for Illegal Immigration Debate

Robert Longley: Oklahoma Not OK with Illegal Immigrants


Lou Dobbs: A Peculiar Day For Immigration Rallies

Steve Frank: Mexico School Program Takes Over California Classrooms

Gary L. Bearden: Horde of Invaders Has Sparked the Hot Immigration Topic

Brian Bilbray

Brian Bilbray: Enforcement on the Border, & Beyond

Washington Times Op-Ed: Aiding & Abetting Illegals

Allan Wall: Jorge Castanada Still Telling Us What To Do

Special Order 40 Hinders the LAPD

Randall Burns: Bush/Kennedy Immigration Mission Accomplished??

Deanna Springola

Deanna Springola: The New World Order, the Transatlantic Economic Integration

Henry Lamb: A Nation Asleep in a Garbage Bin

Sharyl Attkisson (CBS) (CBS)

Sharyl Attkisson: A Last Gasp for Immigration Reform?

Philip Atkinson: How Our Decaying Civilization Will End, Too Enfeebled to Resist Invasion

Rusty Childress: Senator Kyl Must Not Surrender to the Amnesty Agenda

Joe Guzzardi

Joe Guzzardi: "I'm Bemused by Hispanic Immigrants' Sense of Entitlement"


Dr. Laurie Roth Ph.D.

Dr. Laurie Roth: Is The Constitution Designed to Change with the Times?

Rev. Peterson: The INS, Not FBI, Should Probe The LAPD MacArthur Park Clash

Jim Capo

Jim Capo: CNN's Lou Dobb's Gets Last Laugh on Lesley Stahl of CBS

Ben Johnson:  "American" Jihad, Courtesy of the Open Borders Lobby

Bill O' Reilly

Bill O' Reilly: The Problem of Criminal Illegal Aliens is Now at the Tipping Point

Today's Letter: A Reader Explains What Immigration Has Done to His Town   (from VDARE)

Georgie Ann Geyer: Dishonest Immigration Rhetoric Masks the Real Issues

Phil Araoz:  Legal or Illegal? Yes, it Makes a Difference

Armstrong Williams

Armstrong Williams: The Face of Illegal Immigration

Andy Selepak: Bush Pushes Amnesty (Again) For Illegal Aliens

Cliff Kincaid: Lou Dobbs, The Next Don Imus?

Time to Get Tough on Employers of Illegal Immigrants

Judas L.A. Police Chief Sides with Mexican Hezbollah

Michael W. Cutler:
Is Bush Allowing Terrorists to Set Up Shop in America?

(May 7, 2007)

Paul R. Hollrah: Jail Elvira Arellano

Joe Guzzardi: "60 Minutes versus Lou Dobbs.... and the Winner is....

Dimitri Vassilaros

Dimitri Vassilaros: Berthing Anchor Babies

John Hood: Immigration Rallies May Yield Surprising Result, 'Immigration Reform Community.... is More Than a Few Cards Short of a Full Deck'

Frank Salvato

Frank Salvato: The "Fifth Columnization" of America

Edwin S. Rubenstein: Job Growth Stalls; But Not American Worker Displacement

The Faces of Illegal Aliens' Traffic Accident Victims

Group: "Where's the Beef?" in Border Enforcement?

Welcome to Mexico - Mexican Consulate Office Opens in Little Rock (Violation of US Constitution?)

Lloyd Billingsley: Chikkkano Study Gets a New Five-Year Plan

Jim Kouri: U.S. Law Enforcement Combats Southwest Border Violence



Jan Herron: Comments on Reagan Library Debate

Mark Krikorian: Moral Decay Doesn't Stop at the Rio Grande

Virgil Van Camp: North American Union Would Be Disastrous to United States

Amanda B. Carpenter: 'Sanctuary Cities' Embrace Illegal Immigrants

Bill O'Reilly: To Protect and Serve

Joe Guzzardi: On Cinco de Mayo: Strike Three for Baseball Players?

Kimberly A. Strassel: Blurring the Borders; Democratic Division on Immigration Reform

Arrogant Immigrants Hurt Cause by Making Unreasonable Demands

Illegal Immigration is Out of Control

Illegal Immigration is Key Concern to Voters

Henry McCulloch: Bush Neutering the Border Patrol

Tony Phyrillas: Illegal Immigrant Manipulates Court System

Randall Burns: Progressive Indictment, "Immigration Policy Squanders the Value of Citizenship"

Terry Graham: Trailer Park Justice for Americans.... and Illegals

Bob Kendall: Do We Really Need the Illegal Immigration Stampede?

Reflections on Illegal Immigrants and Law-Abiding  Citizens

George Kyle: Illegal Immigration is Just Plain Stupid

Sher Zieve: Illegals Marching Again - Issuing New Demand

Michelle Malkin: A Lesson in Open-Borders Math

Debbie Schlussel: Happy May Day! FIRST, Bank of America, NOW, Auto Insurers Help UNLICENSED Illegal Aliens

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Dark Side of Diversity

Baron Bodissey: The End of the American Dream?

We Need More Evies:  A Tale of Three Immigrants by Renee E. Taylor

Are Democrats Inviting Illegal Aliens into Colorado?

Outrage Misplaced Over Federal Raid on Fraudulent Identification Ring in Chicago

Paul M. Weyrich: EEOC - A Taxpayer-Financed Agency Out of Control

The Issue Isn't Diversity, It's Illegal Immigration

Frosty Wooldridge: Hold Their Feet to the Fire

Gabriel Buelna: Mexican Billionaires Cause Immigration

Fjordman Asks, Isn't Glossocracy Great? (Iowa man fired for referring to man from Mexico as a 'Mexican')

Fiscal Issues: From Here to Eternity (with apologies to Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr, & Donna Reed)

Sonya Kimbrell: Traffic Stops Finding Illegal Immigrants

John Lillpop: An Inconvenient Truth About California's Prison Crisis

Mark Lowry: Don't use my tax money to buy America's hangin' rope.  U.S. bloody Civil War is nearer today

Linda Thom: Immigration Policy: Importing Murder, Mayhem, and a New Underclass

Debra J. Saunders: Special City Offers Sanctuary and Safety

Colorado Democrats making State more inviting to illegals?

Michelle Dallacroce: Alien Born Infants Are Illegal Too !!

Sanctuary Cities: Pushing Democracy Towards Anarchy

LOU DOBBS: Mainstream Media and Illegal Immigration

Parkland Memorial Hospital: Statistics on Number of  Illegal Immigrants Giving Birth, Funded by Medicaid

The North American Union "Conspiracy" Exposed: Special Report by Cliff Kincaid

Illegal Immigrants Don't Come Cheap

Investors Business Daily Op-Ed: Gimme Shelter

Michael W. Cutler:
International Criminals & Terrorists Are On The Move

(April 24, 2007)

Op-Ed by the late Sam Francis: Why Immigrants Kill

Brenda Walker: Diversity is Strength!  It's also.....Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome

Another Break Given To An Illegal Alien; Another American Dead

William Gheen: The Illegals Must Go Home

Dick Little: Another Look at Illegal Immigration

Dan Lund of El Universal: True Immigration 'Reform' is Elusive

Brian Farmer: Immigration Continues to Be a Hot-Button Issue

Kate Nash: Immigration Reform Will Be Issue in Next Election

Rick Oltman: Photos from "Hold Their Feet to the Fire 2007" Rally in D.C.

Frank Miele: Illegal Immigration; Are We Just Too Stupid to Solve It?

Former KS Trooper Greg Evensen: So... Will You Stand, Fight, Hide, or Surrender?

Counter-Response: 'Another Bush Failure', Small Armies of Drug Cartels & Smugglers Invading U.S.

William Green: Why the Illegals must go !

Frank Morris: As Immigration Rates Rise, Blacks' Prosperity Drops

The Untold Story of Border Patrol Agent Gary Brugman, A Pattern of Malicious Prosecution by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton

Robyn Blumner: Industry Wants Cheap, Inept Workers

Howard Salter: American Guilt, Immigration, & the Iraqi Border

When did the United State adopt Jus Solis?

Tony Phyrillas: Aliens Among Us

Bill O'Reilly: Virginia Beach will have "more dead girls" if mayor, police chief aren't fired

Robyn Blumner: Pay us enough and we'll do it

Michael W. Cutler: Guest Worker Amnesty Program: Worst Possible Thing for America

Lee Iacocca: "I hardly recognize this country anymore"

Bill O'Reilly: Coddling Illegals Nothing Short of Criminal

Chuck Baldwin: When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous?

The Olympian: Punish companies that violate immigration laws

IBD: Forgetting 9/11 (Already)

Ian de Silva: Our illegal-alien criminal class

Glenn Spencer: The One Hundred Year Border Fence

Mark Krikorian: Not a Dime's Worth of Difference (What kind of people does the White House think we are?)

Bill O'Reilly: Anarchy & Illegal Immigration

Robert Klein: Engler: 'Against All Odds at the Border' (the truth is we do not need comprehensive immigration reform)

Jan Heron: The Strange Kamikaze Mission of Hugh Hewitt

Michelle Malkin: Another City Defying Federal Immigration Laws

Amber B. Carpenter: Immigration Debate will Heat Up Come this Summer

Michael W. Cutler's testimony before Congress: "Past, Present & Future: A History and Personal Reflection on American Immigration" (Mar '07)

A Legal Immigrant Addresses Illegal Immigration, "Communist Invasion of America"

Frederick Grab: Born in the USA

Should the Politicians in Sanctuary Cities for Illegals be Prosecuted for Illegals' Crimes?

Michelle Malkin: The Coming Amnesty Disaster

Andy Selepak: Can Talk Radio Defeat Illegal Alien Amnesty?

U.S. Rep. Ted Poe: A Wrongful Criminalization

Gingrich Decries Bilingual Education, Printing of Ballots in Non-English Languages

Mac Johnson: Why One Illegal Alien is Worth Six Americans

Phyllis Schlafly: Open Letter to President Bush

Pat Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America

Bill O'Reilly: The Illegal Immigration Tango

Duncan Hunter: Pardon the Border Patrol Agents

Victor David Hanson: Rethinking Illegal Immigration

Importing Violence: The Dark Side of Immigration from Violent Cultures

Rep. Tom Tancredo: A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant

Approximately 240,000 illegal alien sex fiends in the U.S.

The Illegal Immigration Crime Wave

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Frosty Wooldridge: "America's Ugly Ending"

National Public Radio: vs. Tom Tancredo; Sparks Fly

Illegal Aliens are Costing this Country $1200 Billion a Year

FOX BOXING: Geraldo vs O'Reilly on VA double-fatality crash by Drunk Illegal Alien

Pork in Irag bill would have built 10 border fences

Mexican migrants photo gallery

Illegal aliens threaten U.S. medical system

Illegal aliens cost New Jersey more than $2.1 billion annually !

The illegal alien conquest of Los Angeles County

Estimated number of illegal immigrants in the U.S.

Michael Savage: Line the U.S. border with tanks

L.A. suburb: The town the law forgot

How to be an Illegal Alien

Hispanic attorney says using term 'illegal alien' a racial slur

PA: Illegal alien accused of triple homicide

Feds bust 25 illegal alien sexual predators in L.A.


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