Illegal Immigration
Opinion & Commentary Archives for 2009-2010


Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Losing White America: 'For the First Time in Our Lifetimes, Outside the South, White Racial Consciousness Has Begun to Rise

Jim Kouri   MUST READ

Jim Kouri: Obama's Illegal Alien Financial Bonanza

Erik Rush     

Erik Rush: The Seditious Roots of Black Racism

Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly: Obama Takes Illinois Mistakes Nationwide

David Kupinsky: 'Siding with Cartels'

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri: Government 'Internet Control' Viewed as Necessary by Feds

Jim Kouri: Elena Kagan 'Radical and Dishonest', says Former Surgeon General

Harold Pease: Terrorist Nations Still Cross Our Border


Peggy Noonan: David Cameron, Don't Follow Barack Obama

A Tribute to Terry Anderson  Terry Anderson - A Man's Man

Greg Farley: Terry Anderson - A Man's Man

John Stossel  

John Stossel: Millions of Rules Stifling Freedom

Ted Nugent  

Ted Nugent: What Happened to America?

Mychal Massie 

Mychal Massie: Will Obama Ignore This Request?

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: The War on Arizona - and We The People

Marc Thiessen  

Marc Thiessen: The Fading Embers of Obama's Coalition

Dan Howard: Tulsa's Rep. John Sullivan Was Wrong When He Told Hispanic Leaders, "We Need Immigration Reform"

David Limbaugh  

David Limbaugh: States Fight Back Against Tyranny

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: America Is in a Societal Breakdown

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The War for Arizona - and America

Greg Evensen  Former Kansas State Trooper 

Greg Evensen: What Will It Take Fellow Americans? Had Enough?   

Cliff Kincaid  

Cliff Kincaid: A Socialist on the Supreme Court?    (Part 1)

Bobby Eberle  

Bobby Eberle: Obama Blows Smoke While People Die Near Border

Zubi Diamond: Why Obama is Sabotaging U.S. Economic Growth

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: Assimilation and the Founding Fathers

Michael Cutler  

Michael Cutler: Mexican Bullets Hit Border Town's City Hall in Texas


Rush Limbaugh: America Has Become 'Obamaville'

Quin Hillyer: Obama Administration Criminally Negligent on BP Oil Spill


J. Christian Adams: Inside the Black Panther Case - Anger, Ignorance and Lies


Bill O'Reilly: Obama Could Face Impeachment If He Pardons Illegal Aliens

Jim Krug: Leaders Who Fail to Stop Illegal Immigration Guilty of TREASON

Ray Jubb: America Should Arrest Those Who Hire Illegal Immigrants

Stan Haugh: Illegal Immigration is Fixable, If We Want To

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The Threat of Illegal Alien Amnesty-by-Executive Order

Jon A. Underwood: Two Reasons Why the Border is Not Secure

Gail Patricia White   

Gail Patricia Whitright: Let's Give Our Veterans the Best 4th of July Present Ever - THEIR COUNTRY!

Chrissy Satterfield   

Chrissy Satterfield: California's Crazy Liberal Whiners

Jon Voight    MUST READ

Jon Voight:  Dear Mr. President......  'You Have Brought A Civil War'

Bob Livingston: Ceding Arizona to Mexico

Jack Wheeler: Cinco de Reality

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: A $50 Billion Payoff to Obama's Voters


Tom Tancredo: The Price of Accommodating Mexico

Ted Nugent  

Ted Nugent: Remember the Alamo

Neil B. Turner    MUST READ

Neil B. Turner: Letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray: Is There One Congressman Who Will Honor His Oath to Uphold the Constitution?

Erik Rush     

Erik Rush: Muslims' and Blacks' 'Oppression' Racket

Dorothy Rabinowitz    MUST READ

Dorothy Rabinowitz (of the Wall Street Journal): The Alien in the White House

Walter E. Williams     

Walter Williams: Can Black Americans Afford Obama?


Armstrong Williams: Immigration, Capitalism, and Government


Alan Keyes: The Barack Obama Faction: Enemy of Israel... and U.S.

Peter Ferrara: The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama

Kathleen Gotto: Letter to Investigator in Lt. Col. Lakin Case

Mychal Massie 

Mychal Massie: Obama's Disrespect for Fallen Heroes

Tom Fitton: Obama Administration & Sestak Need to Come Clean on Corrupt Job Offer

Liz Blaine: High Crimes & Misdemeanors at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue    (Part 1)

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Remembering Wars and Warriors

The Barr Code  The Barr Code

Bob Barr: Census Workers Can Enter Your Apartment in Your Absence

R. Quinn: Open Letter to the U.S. Supreme Court


Dick Morris: Obama Finance Bill Will Allow SEIZURE OF COMPANIES

Kermit Landrum: America Would Be Like Heaven Without Illegals

Anthony G. Martin: Obama Has His Jack-Boot on the Throat of America

Armand C. Hale

Armand C. Hale: A Line is Drawing in the States of America

C. Richard Bradley: We Should Get Tougher on Lawbreakers, Including Illegal Immigrants

David Karki

David Karki: Mexico and Washington Flip Us the Bird

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Meddling Mexican President, While on U.S. Soil, Tells Hispanics to Vote for Democrats

Lloyd Marcus  

Lloyd Marcus: The Black Church's Commitment to Obama

Michael Cutler  

Michael Cutler: Porous Borders Pose Severe Threat of Terrorism

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Breakup of U.S. is Inevitable

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Why Kagan Looks Moderate to Obama

John Stossel

John Stossel: When the Cops Seize Your Stuff

Allan Wall

Allan Wall: Mexican Meddler Felipe Calderon Coming to Washington

J. B. Williams:  Is Obama Guilty of Treason? Or Is Commander Fitzpatrick III Guilty of Mutiny?


Warner Todd Huston: Enemies to Our Country in the Classroom

Ben Smith: Apologizing for Arizona

Bruce Gigstad: If You Support Arizona's Efforts, Then Speak Up

Laura Fannin: Illegal Aliens are Breaking Laws and Breaking Taxpayers' Backs

Michael Cutler  

Michael Cutler: Should U.S. Citizens Convicted of Terrorism Have Their Citizenship Revoked?

Velton Knight: The Silent Majority Will Be Heard

Alan Keyes  

Alan Keyes: Why Lt. Col. Terry Lakin's Stance Benefits America

Timothy N. Baldwin    

Timothy N. Baldwin, Esq: The Audacity of Illegals and Federals

Cliff Kincaid  

Cliff Kincaid: Bishops to the Left of Senate Democrats on Immigration

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The Jihadists' Deadly Path to Citizenship

Ted Nugent  

Ted Nugent: Immigration Lesson for Numskulls

Jack Cashill: How Obama Himself Made More Than 'Enough Money'

Rush Limbaugh: Obama 'Afraid' of Eligibility Question?

Kris Kobach: Arizona Acts as Washington Dithers

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The May Day Angry Mob You Won't See

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Arizona Has It Right

Lloyd Marcus  

Lloyd Marcus: Black Republican Rebukes Michael Steele

Timothy N. Baldwin    MUST READ

Timothy N. Baldwin, Esq: Obama's Eligibility: Here's Your Sign !

Austin Hill     

Austin Hill: Message From Arizona: Don't Tread On Me

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: What If... ?

Star Parker  

Star Parker: Defining the Left-Right Divide

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: The Hidden Agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center

J. B. Williams  

J. B. Williams: D.C. Knows That Obama is Ineligible for Office

J. B. Williams: The Bottom Line on Natural Born Citizen

Cliff Kincaid  

Cliff Kincaid: Obama's Wall Street Bill Let's Crooks Escape

Chris Cillizza  

Chris Cillizza: Pennsylvania Senate Ad Wars Begin, Hog Jowls Specter Under Attack


Armstrong Williams: Frayed Nerves with White House Press Corps

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Army Report: Christians Threaten U.S. Foreign Policy

Floyd & Mary Beth Brown   MUST READ

Floyd & Mary Beth Brown: Obama Going Off the Deep End


Thomas Sowell: Good Riddance!

Jon Voight  

Jon Voight: America Witnessing Greatest Lie Cleverly Orchestrated by Obama

Rocky Frisco  

Rocky Frisco: The Fatal Flaw

Bradley Blakeman  

Bradley Blakeman: Obama Should Turn His Focus to Border Security -  NOW!

Star Parker  

Star Parker: Why I'm Running for Congress

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: Republican Party Needs New Playbook

Gary Hubbell of Colorado   The Redneck Tree Hugger

Gary Hubbell: Barack Obama has Awakened a Sleeping Nation


American Thinker: The Rape of America

Bob Barr: Deceptive National ID Plan Pushed by Senators Schumer and Graham


American Thinker: Obama's List

Star Parker  

Star Parker: Land of the Free - or Land of the Bureaucrats?

David Michael Green: Now I'm Really Getting Pissed Off at Obama

Lloyd Marcus  

Lloyd Marcus: Maxine Waters and Charley Rangel Trash the Tea Party

Jack Tymann: Here's the Real Truth About Tea Partiers

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Is America Becoming a Police State?

Alan Keyes  

Alan Keyes: The Absurdity of Obama's Anti-Tea-Party Propaganda

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: Napolitano Lied, Robert Krentz Died

Daniel Greenfield: The Immigration Jihad

Dave Gibson  

Dave Gibson: Will the Murder of Arizona Rancher Be the Tipping Point?

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The Death of an Arizona Rancher. Suspect? Illegal Alien

Michael Barone   MUST READ

Michael Barone: Bond Market Reflects the True Cost of Obamcare

Steve Forbes: Could a Hugo Chavez-style Media Crackdown Be Coming Our Way?

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Up Next: Open Gays in the Military and Amnesty for Illegals

Victor Davis Hanson: How Many More Fights Will Obama Pick?

Walter E. Williams  

Walter E. Williams: Constitutional Awakening

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Sydney Carton Party: Open Borders Leading GOP to the Guillotine

Gary North: Health Care and Detroit: Killed by the Government

Dave Gibson  

Dave Gibson: Southern Poverty Law Center Calls Americans Who Want Laws Enforced "Extremist"

Ken Blackwell 

Ken Blackwell: Guess Who's Coming to Your House? Hidden Dangers in Obamacare

David Kupelian  MUST READ!

David Kupelian: Barack Obama and the Date-Rape of America

Simon Heffer: The End of the Road for Barack Obama?

Dave Gibson  

Dave Gibson: Why Are So Many Children Falling Prey to Criminal Aliens?

Diane West: Should Fox News Register With the State Department as a Foreign Agent - an Agent of Saudi Arabia?

Jerry Theriault: Americans Fed Up With Illegal Aliens

Walter E. Williams  

Walter E. Williams: Who's the Greater Threat - The Rich or Politicians?

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Is America Becoming a Police State?

Bobby Eberle  

Bobby Eberle: With Hayworth, has McCain met his Tea Party Waterloo?

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: CPAC 2010 Betrays Americans on Immigration

Ken Blackwell  

Ken Blackwell: Climate Change Debate Over? It's Just Begun!


Paul R. Hollrah: The Enemy Within

Thomas Lifson: The New Scandal?

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Remembering the Alamo

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: November's Consequence: A Paralyzed Government

Debra J. Saunders     

Debra J. Saunders: The Winter of Global Warming

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The Inglorious, Uncurious Media

W. James Antle, III: Bye-bye Bayh & Amnesty: Hello Hostettler & Immigration Moratorium

Susan Smith - Knowingly Associating with an Illegal Alien  

Susan Smith: Knowingly Associating With an Illegal Alien

Liz Peek: Why You Should Worry About the Census

Dr. Laurie Roth   MUST READ

Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD: Fox News is Largely Controlled by a Rich Saudi Muslim

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Secession is in the Air

Amil Imani: Islam is a Trojan Horse

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: We Should Adopt Mandatory Prison Sentences for CEOs Hiring Illegal Aliens

Cord Jefferson: How Illegal Immigration Hurts Black America

John Stossel

John Stossel: Hurtling Down 'The Road to Serfdom'

Jim Robb: Obama's Border Enforcement Deceit

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: 'Temporary Refugees' NEVER GO HOME

Ron Hart: Obama, Dems Slide Into Disarray


Floyd & Mary Beth Brown: Watch Obama's Actions, Not His Words

Hugh Hewitt

Hugh Hewitt: President Say Anything Does So, Again and Again

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: Tea Party Movement Can Learn from the Anti-Illegal-Alien-Amnesty Fight of 2007

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: An Unusually Bad Prevaricator. Unusually Bad.

Humberto Fontava

Humberto Fontava: Rage Against the Marxist Machine.

Thomas Del Beccaro: Judging Alito - Obama's Supreme Arrogance

Cliff Kincaid     

Cliff Kincaid: Catholic Bishops LOBBY for ObamaCare, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Frosty Wooldridge     

Frosty Wooldridge: U.S. Running Huge Deficits While Giving Billions to Illegals

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: 'We are the Oklahoma Chapter of CAIR'

Jim Hoft: Obama's Socialist Advisors are Behind His Push for Immigration Amnesty

Jon Christian Ryter 

Michael Cutler: Dwight Eisenhower's 'OPERATION WETBACK'

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Cutler Commentary on Virginia Pilot Article: Document Mill for Illegal Immigrants Busted in Norfolk

Mychal Massie   MUST READ!

Mychal Massie: Regarding Scott Brown: We'll See

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: Branding Americans 'Racists' to Further Their Agenda

Senator Tom Harman: California Prisons Carry the Weight for the Feds

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Has Obama Lost White America?

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: Time Now for Real Immigration Reform

Yeh Ling-Ling

Yeh Ling-Ling: Get Serious About Immigration Enforcement

NumbersUSA: Pro-Enforcement, Anti-Amnesty Candidate Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: The Children of Illegal Aliens (Anchor Babies) Have Bankrupted the State of California

John L. Work: Certain Destruction Ahead for United States as Tsunami of Illegal Aliens Continues - Amnesty is Next

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch  Jihad Watch

Robert Spencer: Jihad? What Jihad? Saudi Prince meets with Rupert Murdoch to discuss 'future potential' alliances

Gideon Rachman: Why America and China Will Clash

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: Amnesty vs. True Immigration Reform:  Part 1


Charles Krauthammer: One Year Out: President Obama's Fall

Gerald Warner     

Gerald Warner: Barack Obama & the CIA: Why Does President Pantywaist Hate America so Badly?


Jeff Schreiber: An Egregious Lapse in Judgment.... in Massachusetts

Judge Andrew Napolitano     

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Should Tim Geithner be Indicted?

Josh Meyer: Mexican Drug Smugglers Turning to Smuggling Illegal Aliens

Spencer Price     

Spencer Price: Illegal Immigration - A Crime That Pays

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Hawaiian? Or Lyin'?

Lloyd Marcus  

It's All About Obama... MM... MM... MM

Rabbi Nachum Shifren  

Rabbi Nachum Shifren: Multi-Culturalism Will Bring Us Our Next 9-11

Michael LeMieux  

Are Federal Gun Laws Constitutional?

Dr. Laurie Roth  'Annie Oakley of the Airwaves'

Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD: Under Obama, Security is a Joke

Darryl Robert Schoon - An American Tragedy  MUST READ!

Darryl Robert Schoon: The UNITED STATES of AMERICA - An American Tragedy

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: "If we pay for something and it's the public's business, we ought to be able to see how it's done."

Stephen Pidegon - Open Letter to Glenn Beck 

Stephen Pidgeon, Esq.: OPEN LETTER TO GLENN BECK

Kate White: Residents Must Speak Against Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Arizona Senate candidate Jim Deakin

AZ Senate Candidate Jim Deakin: ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS

Stephen Frank: They are ILLEGAL ALIENS, Not 'Migrants'

D.A. King: Obama to American Workers: DROP DEAD

Ben Adler: The Democratic Crack-up; Immigration may be Next

Dan Moffett / Palm Beach Port: Pulpit vs. Pews on Illegal Immigration

Devvy Kidd: Detroit Bomber Incident: Playing the American People, Again

Las Vegas Review Journal Editorial: Protecting Illegals

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired MUST READ!

Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret: Beating a Dead Horse

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired Retired 46-Year Veteran Lawman

Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret:  Conquering Winds

Thomas Del Beccaro: Judging Alito - Obama's Supreme Arrogance

Cliff Kincaid     

Cliff Kincaid: Catholic Bishops LOBBY for ObamaCare, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Frosty Wooldridge     

Frosty Wooldridge: U.S. Running Huge Deficits While Giving Billions to Illegals

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: 'We are the Oklahoma Chapter of CAIR'

Jim Hoft: Obama's Socialist Advisors are Behind His Push for Immigration Amnesty

Jon Christian Ryter 

Michael Cutler: Dwight Eisenhower's 'OPERATION WETBACK'

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Cutler Commentary on Virginia Pilot Article: Document Mill for Illegal Immigrants Busted in Norfolk

Mychal Massie   MUST READ!

Mychal Massie: Regarding Scott Brown: We'll See

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: Branding Americans 'Racists' to Further Their Agenda

Senator Tom Harman: California Prisons Carry the Weight for the Feds

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Has Obama Lost White America?

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: Time Now for Real Immigration Reform

Yeh Ling-Ling

Yeh Ling-Ling: Get Serious About Immigration Enforcement

NumbersUSA: Pro-Enforcement, Anti-Amnesty Candidate Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: The Children of Illegal Aliens (Anchor Babies) Have Bankrupted the State of California

John L. Work: Certain Destruction Ahead for United States as Tsunami of Illegal Aliens Continues - Amnesty is Next

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch  Jihad Watch

Robert Spencer: Jihad? What Jihad? Saudi Prince meets with Rupert Murdoch to discuss 'future potential' alliances

Gideon Rachman: Why America and China Will Clash

Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Border Battlelines

Tom Tancredo: Amnesty vs. True Immigration Reform:  Part 1


Charles Krauthammer: One Year Out: President Obama's Fall

Gerald Warner     

Gerald Warner: Barack Obama & the CIA: Why Does President Pantywaist Hate America so Badly?


Jeff Schreiber: An Egregious Lapse in Judgment.... in Massachusetts

Judge Andrew Napolitano     

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Should Tim Geithner be Indicted?

Josh Meyer: Mexican Drug Smugglers Turning to Smuggling Illegal Aliens

Spencer Price     

Spencer Price: Illegal Immigration - A Crime That Pays

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Hawaiian? Or Lyin'?

Lloyd Marcus  

It's All About Obama... MM... MM... MM

Rabbi Nachum Shifren  

Rabbi Nachum Shifren: Multi-Culturalism Will Bring Us Our Next 9-11

Michael LeMieux  

Are Federal Gun Laws Constitutional?

Dr. Laurie Roth  'Annie Oakley of the Airwaves'

Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD: Under Obama, Security is a Joke

Darryl Robert Schoon - An American Tragedy  MUST READ!

Darryl Robert Schoon: The UNITED STATES of AMERICA - An American Tragedy

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: "If we pay for something and it's the public's business, we ought to be able to see how it's done."

Stephen Pidegon - Open Letter to Glenn Beck 

Stephen Pidgeon, Esq.: OPEN LETTER TO GLENN BECK

Kate White: Residents Must Speak Against Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Arizona Senate candidate Jim Deakin

AZ Senate Candidate Jim Deakin: ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS

Stephen Frank: They are ILLEGAL ALIENS, Not 'Migrants'

D.A. King: Obama to American Workers: DROP DEAD

Ben Adler: The Democratic Crack-up; Immigration may be Next

Dan Moffett / Palm Beach Port: Pulpit vs. Pews on Illegal Immigration

Devvy Kidd: Detroit Bomber Incident: Playing the American People, Again

Las Vegas Review Journal Editorial: Protecting Illegals

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, retired MUST READ!

Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret: Beating a Dead Horse

Bob Adelmann: Will Obama Nominate Janet 'Butch' Napolitano for the Supreme Court?

Greg Evenson MUST READ!

Greg Evensen: Patriots Issue the Final Warning: Listen Washington!

Dan Stein 

Dan Stein: Immigration Bill Dismantles Enforcement, Increases Pressure on American Workers

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Greenspan Calls for Lower Wages for America's Skilled Workers

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: U.N. Poised for Gun Grab

Paul A. Rahe: Daley Machine Nervous - Political Realignment in the Works?

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The Long Road to Bethlehem

Heather MacDonald

Heather MacDonald: The Bilingual Ban That Worked

Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol

Glenn Spencer: "You Lie!" is Quote of the Year

Joe Guzzardi     

Joe Guzzardi: Napolitano Nixes Chertoff's Enforcement Achievements

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Obama's Climate 'Emergency Powers'

George F. Will

George Will: When the Charm Rubs Off

James Maropoulakis Denney

James Maropoulakis Denney: George Soros & Obama: Enemies of Liberty

Erik Rush   Erik Rush - the Other Rush

Erik Rush: It's Time for War on Leftist Celebrities

Dale L.Schwab, Jr.   Must Read!

Dale L. Schwab, Jr.: ILLEGAL Aliens Will be America's Raging Issue in 2010

K.R. Boxberger: Gitmo Detainees Upgraded to Legal Immigrants

Bob Mount: Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio WALKING TALL Amid Dirty Politics

Tom Tancredo  

Tom Tancredo: 3 Months After Joe Wilson, Obama Still Lies

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Is Obama Really Preparing for Civil War?

Former Rep. Vigil Goode: Time for an Immigration Moratorium

Ralph Alter: Is it Time for a Moratorium on Immigration?

Stephen Vargas  

Stephen Vargas: An Insult to the Citizens and Legal Residents of New Jersey

Rabbi Nachum Shifren  

Rabbi Nachum Shifren: America's Last War

Washington Times Editorial: Obama's Risky Sex Czar

Alexander Massa: America Overrun: The Illegal Invasion of the United States

Edward H. Decker: 'Immigration Reform' Unfair to U.S. Workers

Alex Schark: Treat Illegal Aliens the Way They're Treated Elsewhere

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Import Workers Now?

Larry Klemesrud: No Aid for Illegal Aliens

Jeanne McCollum: State of Massachusetts Coddles Illegal Aliens

Mychal Massie   MUST READ!

Mychal Massie: Is 'Victory' in Obama's Vocabulary?

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: Chris Matthew's Freudian Slip

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer: Crashing a Trashy House

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: Random Thoughts

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The War on Cops

Daniel Hannan  

Daniel Hannan: At Midnight Last Night, the United Kingdom Ceased to be a Sovereign State

Steve Manzer: Don't Coddle Illegal Immigrants

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: Who Is Subsidizing Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt (Besides Taxpayers ?

Nathan Janes: The Constitutional Bankruptcy of Our Republic

Dave Gibson  

Dave Gibson: Abuse of the 14th Amendment by Illegal Aliens in Destroying this Nation

Bob Allan: The Worst Congress Money Can Buy

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Homeland Security or Homeland Enslavement?

Dave LePage: Taxpayers Shouldn't Have to Pay for Illegal Aliens

Geert Wilders  Jihad Watch   MUST READ!

Geert Wilders, Dutch Parliament Member: America as the Last Man Standing

Mark Hyman: The Plan to Silence Dissent

Timothy N. Baldwin, Esq.

Timothy N. Baldwin, Esq: Obama's Birth or America's Rebirth?

Beaufort Observer Editorial: Team Obama Looking to Give Amnesty to 14 Million Illegals

Gerald Laetz: Don't Kid Yourselves: the UAW Destroyed Detroit

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Response to 'Health Bill Fails to Block Illegals from Coverage'

95-Year-Old WW2 Navy Veteran Harold B. Estes: Letter to President Obama

Howie Carr    Must Read!

Howie Carr: Illegal and Above the Law

John Sieminski: Illegals - A Major Wrong

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: Let Rev. Manning be Heard!

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Our Pushover President

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: Solving Whose Problem?

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: Racial Terror in Denver That Won't Make National News

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Tear Up Your AARP Cards

Carl Herman

Carl Herman: U.S. Senate: Banksters are the New Enron; Manipulating Markets to Add Trillions to Consumer Prices

Michael Barone

Michael Barone: Obama Bows but the World Refuses to Bow Back

Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams: A Minority View: Constitutional Contempt

U.S. Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX)  

U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith: Obama Encourages Illegals

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: Bowing to "World Opinion"

Yeh Ling-Ling

Yeh Ling-Ling: A Spineless & Brainless Nation

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson: Eric Holder's Grave Mistake

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan:  Trying KSM in Civilian Court Could Costs Obama the Presidency

Major General Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Major Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret): It's Time to Hold All U.S. Government Officials Accountable

Kevin McCullough  

Kevin McCullough: NYC to Obama: No You Won't

David Codrea  

David Codrea: What Did the SPLC Teach the Eugene Oregon Police Department??

David Horowitz: The Worst Decision by a U.S. President in History

Alan Keyes  

Alan Keyes: Do We Americans Still Care to Be Free?

Frank Salvato: Confronting the Spin on the Fort Hood Massacre

Roger Hedgecock  

Roger Hedgecock: None Dare Call it Jihad


Ilana Mercer  

Ilana Mercer: Your Government's Jihadi-Protection Program Treaties Do Not Supersede the Constitution

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Lou Dobbs, Real Newsman

Lynn Stuter

Lynn Stuter: Are You Angry Yet?

Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson: Cue the President, Cue the Prompter

Paul Frasnelli: Our Country CAN Deport Illegal Immigrants

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Politicians Continue to Mortgage Our Children's Future

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The 'Muslim Mafia' Hard at Work

Dick Morris  

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann: ObamaCare: What the Bribe Was

Rep. Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Battle Borderlines

Tom Tancredo: The Threat of the "Muslim Mafia"

Alan Keyes  

Alan Keyes: How GOP Party Bosses Betray Grass Roots

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: Another State Introduces Firearms Freedoms Act

Michelle Malkin  

Michelle Malkin: The Death of Deliberative Democracy

David Harsanyi   MUST READ

David Harsanyi: Can It Be? A Party For Capitalism?

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: The 'Costs' of Medical Care

Part 3

John Stossel  

John Stossel: The Truth About Journalists' Bias

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: The 'Costs' of Medical Care

Part 2

Dr. Edwin Vieira, PhD, JD  

Dr. Edwin Vieira, PhD, JD: Smashing the Axis of Financial Fraud

Ken Blackwell  

Ken Blackwell: Ditherer-in-Chief

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: The 'Costs' of Medical Care

Part 1

Ryn Gargulinksi: Two Reasons Why Our Border Security Stinks

Martha Zoller  

Martha Zoller: Taking Their Party Back: Conservatives Turn to NY, NJ, & VA, Then Florida

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan:  The American Way of Abandonment

Bob Chapman: Federal Reserve Runs Our Country

Rep. Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Battle Borderlines

Tom Tancredo: Census Count Diminishes Citizenship

Pamela Geller   from

Pamela Geller: Bye-Bye, RINO - Thank You Sarah Palin!

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow   46 Years of Law Enforcement

Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow: Democratic Tyrants Rule the U.S.

Marshall Frank   30 Years of Law Enforcement

Marshall Frank: Mr. President: Where's The Transparency?

Cliff Kincaid  

Cliff Kincaid: Controversial New Video Surfaces of Obama's Pastor, Rev. Wright

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: President Obama, Time to Make a Decision


From Capt. Pamela Barnett: to Bill O'Reilly

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: Dismantling of America


Paul R. Hollrah: Is Obama Impeachable?

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: None Dare Call it Depression

Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson: Border Courage, Arpaio style

Brenda Flowers Bluffton: Illegal Immigration Hurt Businesses, Communities

Joe Mastro: Send Illegal Aliens Back to Their Homes

Patrick J. Buchanan   MUST READ!

Patrick J. Buchanan:  Nixon and Obama  -  Soul Brothers?

Bob Chapman: Federal Reserve Runs Our Country

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: Obama's Uncompromising Inner Man

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Middle Americans Alienated and Radicalized

Carl Herman  

Carl Herman: 2009 U.S. Economy - Largest Transfer of Wealth to Financial/ Political Elite in World History

Bruce Drake  

Bruce Drake: Four in Ten Americans Fear Obama Will Ban Gun Sales

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: You Might Be a Constitutionalist If......

Rep. Tom Tancredo     Tom Tancredo - Battle Borderlines

Tom Tancredo: Obama's Submission to Radical Islam

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: God and Guns, Part 2

Glenn Thrush: Does McCain Back Ban on Arpaio Immigration Sweeps? He Appears to Be Riding the Fence

Rev. Michael Bresciani     

Rev. Michael Bresciani: Barack Obama versus the Law of Sooner or Later

Brian Darling     

Brian Darling: Congress and Obama Show Contempt or Americans

Rush Limbaugh     MUST READ!

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football, and Me

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: What O's Homosexual 'Rights' Position Really Means

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: This isn't about Rush

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Affirmative Action Nobel Peace Prize

Mychal Massie   MUST READ!

Mychal Massie: Globalist Cover-up Hiding Obama's Past?


Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: God and Guns, Part 1

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Hire Americans First

Richard Nishman: Keep Government's Heavy Hand Out of Health Care?

Rep. Tom Tancredo    Tom Tancredo- Battle Borderlines

Tom Tancredo: The Political Prosecution of Cory Voorhis

Joann Erickson: Does Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski believe illegal aliens should receive special privileges when 15 million Americans are out of work?

Laura Roberts: Sheriff Arpaio & Thomas Responsible for Crime Decrease in Maricopa County?

Pamela Geller  

Pamela Geller: ACORN Throws Out Republican Voter Registrations

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Where's the Birth Certificate?

Patrick Cleburne: Obama wants Illegal Immigration

Robert Knight  

Robert Knight: The ACLU's Real Agenda in the Mojave Desert

Jacob Sullum  

Jacob Sullum: From Guns to Butter

William Campenni: Financial Bust Connected to Illegal Alien Mortgages

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: The Brainy Bunch

Paul Harris     

Paul Harris: Will California Become America's First Failed State?

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Nazism and Socialized Medicine

Cliff Kincaid     

Cliff Kincaid: Federal Reserve Scandal Bigger Than ACORN


Steve Baldwin: The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: House Democrats Push for ILLEGAL ALIEN HEALTH CARE

Devvy Kidd     

Devvy Kidd: The Destroyers Who Control Congress, the White House & Media

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris: The Secret Weapon in America's Revolution

J.B. Williams   MUST READ !!

J. B. Williams: DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in MOST States

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: Obama Abandons Founding Fathers' Dream

Erik Rush     

Erik Rush: O's Narcissism on Display at U.N.

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Bill Ayers is Back!

Mychal Massie   MUST READ!

Mychal Massie: Obama's Treachery in Eastern Europe

John Stossel  

John Stossel: A Libertarian at FOX

Thomas Sowell  

Thomas Sowell: Listening to a Liar - Part I

Thomas Sowell: Listening to a Liar - Part II

Barbara Simpson  

Barbara Simpson: We've Come Undone

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: Don't Tread on Me

Arlen Williams 

Arlen Williams: Bill O'Reilly, Why So Seriously Ignorant About Obama?

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: ACORN's Illegal Alien Home Loan Racket

Devvy Kidd     

Devvy Kidd: The Line of Succession if Obama/Soetoro is Removed from Office

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The 'Undocumented President'

Rep. Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo: Wilson Was Right on Illegals

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick Buchanan: Globalism vs. Americanism

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Commies Yes, 'Birthers' No

Greg Evensen    Former Kansas State Trooper

Greg Evensen: Pandemic, Inc.:  Government's Sledgehammer Control

Geoff Caldwell     

Geoff Caldwell: The March on Washington Comes, Obama Runs, Glenn Beck Still Driving ACORN Nuts

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The Spammer-in-Chief

Doug Giles

Doug Giles: Exposed! A.C.O.R.N. Gets its Nuts Cracked: Teenage Prostitutes, Money Laundering and Tax Fraud

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh: For Obama, it's 'My Way or the Highway'

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer: Obama, the Mortal

Dick Morris

Dick Morris: Obama Advisor 'Has to Resign'

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes: This is No Time for Trust - Except in God

Alan Caruba: Obama's Communists

Cliff Kincaid     MUST READ!

Cliff Kincaid: The Obama "Birth Certificate" Scandal

Washington Post Editorial:   Sorry, Charlie  -  Rep. Rangel Must Step Aside as Chairman of House Ways and Means Committee

Erik Rush     

Erik Rush: Obama and O.J.: More Than O's in Common?

Fred Barrash: Transcript of CFR's Online Chat on U.S. Immigration Policy Today

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: The Kennedy Line of Succession

Ed Koch     

Ed Koch: Illegal Aliens Now in Federal & State Prisons and Municipal Jails Should Be Deported to Their Countries of Origin Immediately

Sherman Frederick       MUST READ!

Sherman Frederick / Las Vegas Review-Journal: Enough is Enough Harry Reid

Joseph Farah     

Thomas Jefferson understood the immigration problem over 200 years ago

Joseph Farah: How Sick was Ted Kennedy?

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: Dirty Secret #4 in Obamacare

Frosty Wooldridge      

Frosty Wooldridge: Teddy Kennedy's Deadly Legacy for America

J. P. Smart: Fighting Illegal Immigration

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: Why Americans Are Up in Arms

Ben Johnson: Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster

Joan Swirsky    MUST READ !

Joan Swirsky: Who is Behind Quashing the Birth Certificate Issue?

Dewey Whetsell: An Alaska Fisherman Talks About Sarah Palin

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Glenn Beck Closing in on Van Jones

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Good News - Harry Reid is "On the Ropes" - Trailing Challengers by Double Digits

Vox Day  

Vox Day: The FDIC is Broke

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: Dirty Secret #3 in Obamacare

Alan keyes     

Alan Keyes: Obama echoes Cain, not Christ

Joseph Farah     MUST READ !

Joseph Farah: The Mystery of Obama's Birth

Las Vegas Review Journal Editorial: Free Health Care for Illegals

Jim Kouri  

Jim Kouri: New York Sex Traffickers Enslave Teenage Women, Illegal Aliens

Murray Katz: A Lenient Sentence for a Brutal Illegal Alien Criminal

Timothy Birdnow: Why the Birth Certificate Issue is So Important

Chuck Norris  

Chuck Norris: Dirty Secret #2 in Obamacare

Barbara Simpson  

Barbara Simpson: Another Obama Mistake - This Time Against a Slain U.S. Navy Veteran

Ted Nugent  

Ted Nugent: Fedzilla-Care

Gerald Celente  MUST READ!

Gerald Celente: The 'Second American Revolution' Has Begun

Camille Paglia  A Liberal Wants Pelosi Gone!

Camille Paglia: Obama's Healthcare Horror - Heads Should Roll, Beginning with Nancy Pelosi's

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: Feds Still Hiding Facts in the Case Against Former Border Agents Ramos & Compean

David Limbaugh 

David Limbaugh: Obama Tells Healthcare Critics to Shut Up

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Open Borders Zombie From Hell: Lindsey Grahamnesty Back At It

Barbara Simpson      

Barbara Simpson: Pushing Toward Amnesty  (Part 4)

Joseph Farah     

Joseph Farah: Memo to CNN Chief Jon Klein

Joseph Farah: The Emperor Has No Birth Certificate

Sher Zieve   MUST READ

Sheri Zieve: Obama Tells U.S. Citizen Opposition to Shut Up  - -  or Else

Sheri Zieve: Obama Enters Full Big Brother Phase

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Anatomy of Nancy Pelo-cchio's Astroturf Brigade

Sam Stein: White House Warns Critics: Nazi Talk Puts You on "Thin Ice"

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano     MUST READ

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: A Great Moment in Our History

CHuck Norris     

Chuck Norris: What My Wife and Obama Have in Common

Patrick J. Buchanan     

Patrick J. Buchanan: Time To Go, Grampa

Thomas Sowell     

Thomas Sowell: Are You Ready to Kiss Your Freedom Goodbye?

Joseph Farah     MUST READ !

Joseph Farah: Bill O'Reilly Invites Joseph Farah on Show, Then Disinvites Him

J. P. Smart: Biased and Offensive

Two Absolute Hogwash Bleeding Heart Editorials:

Mike Jones: Facts, Schmacts - 'Birthers' Won't Give Up Their Silly Quest Against Obama

Mike Jones: It's a Pig - Remittance Bill Another Attempt at Punishment of Illegal Immigrants

Joseph Farah     MUST READ !

Joseph Farah: A Challenge to Bill O'Reilly

J. B. Williams      

J. B. Williams: Obama Media Machine Rushing to Derail Treason Charges as More Military Officers Revolt

Devvy Kidd      

Devvy Kidd: Federal Judges Engage in Conspiracy to Cover Up Income Tax Fraud (Part 1 of 2)

Frosty Wooldridge      

Frosty Wooldridge: Black America Devastated by Mass Immigration

Barbara Simpson      

Barbara Simpson: Pushing Toward Amnesty  (Part 2)

Chuck Baldwin      

Chuck Baldwin's son, Timothy Baldwin, Esq: The American Revolution Revisited

Rush Limbaugh      

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Has Yet to Prove He's a Citizen

Dr. Jerome Corsi       MUST READ

Dr. Jerome Corsi: Did Radical Muslims Help Send Obama to Harvard Law School?

Devvy Kidd       

Devvy Kidd: Sotomayor's Confirmation Vote Rescheduled - Here's Why

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: The ABC's of the Presidential Eligibility Issue

Frosty Wooldridge      

Frosty Wooldridge: Change You Never Expected: Health care for Illegal Aliens

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Obamacare for Illegal Aliens

Ann Miller      

Ann Miller: Welcome to Maryland, Home of Illegal Aliens

Mychal Massie      

Mychal Massie: Obama's Pandering NAACP Speech

Nancy Morgan      

Nancy Morgan: Under the Radar: 10th Amendment Movement Picks Up Steam


Rob G. Lamb: Time for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Show What They Are Made Of

Alan Keyes       MUST READ!

Alan Keyes: Obama's 'Noble Truth' is a Lie

Patrick J. Buchanan    

Patrick J. Buchanan: Socialist America Sinking

Erik Rush

Erik Rush: Affirmative Action President, Affirmative Action Judge

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: The Billings Murders

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: Anchor Babies: Born in the USA - Enormous Taxpayer Costs (Part II)

D. A. King

D. A. King: Immigration Enforcement a Priority for Public Safety

National Assoc of Former Border Patrol Officers:  It's Not an 'Immigration' Problem, It's an 'Illegal' Problem

Jeffrey Deskovic

Jeffrey Deskovic: Judge Sotomayor Denied My Appeal and I Spent 16 Years in Prison for a Crime I Did Not Commit

Michael G. Gaynor: Judge Sotomayor's Record Should Be Scrutinized, Not Whitewashed or Ignored

Dr. Paul L. Williams 

Dr. Paul L. Williams: First Lady Requires More Than 20 Attendants

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Dumbest Pro-Sotomayor Op-Ed of the Week


Yeh-Ling-Ling: Why Hispanic-Americans Should Support Reduced Immigration

Eric Ingemunson

Eric Ingemuson: Illegal Aliens' Role in Housing Crisis Understated

Rep. Bill O'Brien (NH): GOP Lawmaker Decries Illegal Alien Payments

Mike Vecchio: Illegal Immigration is Ruining Our Way of Life

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Dumbing-Down the U.S. Navy - A National Disgrace

Jim Kouri    MUST READ!

Jim Kouri: Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens Ignored by Government and Media

Jim Kouri: Attorney General to Classify Pro-Life, Pro-Gun Americans as Terrorists

Pamela geller   

Pamela Geller: Palin in 2012!

Jamison Faught: Too Much Government Needs More Opposition

Lois Romano: Illegal Immigrants Don't Deserve Any Rights

Rush Limbaugh   

Rush Limbaugh: Judge Sotomayor a 'Reverse Racist, Hack''

Dan Stein 

Dan Stein: Obama Using Immigration Amnesty Debate to 'Change the Subject'

Cliff Kincaid 

Cliff Kincaid: Why Socialism Makes Our Rights Dispensable

Alan Keyes 

Alan Keyes: Why Socialism Makes Our Rights Dispensable

Diane  Fennel: Take Our Country Back from Illegal Immigrants

Joseph Farah 

Joseph Farah: Why Obama Wants to Hide His Birth Certificate

10th Amendment Center: Thomas Paine: Bicentennial of a Patriot

Annette Cameron: Time to Reverse Trend of Illegal Immigration

Jackie Mason 

Jackie Mason: How 'Reverse Discrimination' Harms Blacks

Paul Ammerman: Prosecuting Aliens is Necessary

G. Gordon Liddy: Obama was Born in Kenya

Bobby Eberle 

Bobby Eberle: School Children to Learn About a "Penguin with Two Daddies"

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: US Attorney General Undermines Georgia Voter Verification Rules, ACORN Cheers

Joy Tiz  

Joy Tiz: The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Barack Hussein Obama

Frosty Wooldridge  

Frosty Wooldridge: America Cannot Tolerate Unbridled Immigration

Bruce Supalla: High Court Pick is a Radical

Lawrence Harrison: Too Many Immigrants

Patrick J. Buchanan    MUST READ!

Patrick J. Buchanan: Sonia Sotomayor and Obama's Idea of Justice

Chuck Baldwin 

Chuck Baldwin: 'Must Watch' Immigration Videos

Thomas Sowell 

Thomas Sowell: Sotomayor: "Empathy" in Action

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: I Feel Your Pain. Not Theirs. Yours.

Andy Arnold 

Andy Arnold: California Going Broke as Number of Illegal Aliens Grows to 3.2 Million

Joseph Farah     MUST READ!

Joseph Farah: Where's the Birth Certificate?

Alan Keyes 

Alan Keyes: On Obama, Blacks, and Jews

Hal Lindsey 

Hal Lindsey: Obama's Strategy for Perilous Times

Rush Limbaugh, III 

Rush Limbaugh, III: Obama 'Tentacles' to Bail Out California with Our Federal Dollars - Quits as 'Head' of GOP, Rips Party for Abandoning Reagan

Erik Rush 

Erik Rush: How Disease-Carrying Foreigners Endanger the United States

Jillian Bandes 

Jillian Bandes: Obama 'May Grab for Guns

Steven Hoffer 

Steven Hoffer: California: Mexico's Maternity Ward

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Big Labor's Investment in Obama Pays Off

Paul Craig Roberts: Who Rules America?

Herb Denenberg of The Bulletin: Obama Administration Silences Critics With Intimidation

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Liberal Taliban Issues Fatwa Against Miss California

Patrick J. Buchanan  

Patrick J. Buchanan: Wanted: A Fighting Party

David Limbaugh  

David Limbaugh: Fearing Our Government

Chuck Baldwin  

Chuck Baldwin: It Is Getting Very Serious Now

Frosty Wooldridge  

Frosty Wooldridge: Remembering the Alamo

Charlie Massey: Tea Party Impetus

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of INS 

Michael Cutler: Beware: Border Security to be Followed by Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens

F.A.I.R.: Why Are Illegal Aliens on U.S. Welfare

Nick Weyland

Nick Weyland: Immigration Reform Begins with Employers

Canada Free Press: Supreme Court Justice Janet Napolitano

Peter Heck

Peter Heck: Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?

Dr. Henry I. Miller  Research Fellow / Stanford University

Dr. Henry I. Miller: Understanding Swine Flu

Carolyn Cooke: Amnesty Pimps on Parade: Time to Expose the Hispanic Caucus

Daily News Record Editorial: Illegal Entry in U.S. IS a Crime, DHS Sec. Napolitano Very Wrong

Paul Westrum & Albert Lea: Time to Send Illegal Immigrants Home

Devvy Kidd

Devvy Kidd: The Power of the Purse, The Power of the Sword

Selwyn Duke   MUST READ !!

Selwyn Duke: Ginsburg and Foreign Law, & Why the Law is Foreign to Ginsburg

Dick Morris

Dick Morris & Eileen Gann: Obama's Anti-American Foreign Policy

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Nell Husbands Martin Coulter

Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky: Obama Didn't Know Nuthin' of the Tea Parties - But the Rest of the World Did!

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of INS 

Michael Cutler: Administrations Ignore Immigration Fraud

Sean Osborne: Obama Administration, FBI, and DHS Assess and Declare American Patriots to Be Radicalized Extremists and Terrorists

Clarice Gibb: Don't Increase Benefits for Illegal Immigrants

Marilyn M. Barnewall

Marilyn M. Barnewall:  What Happened to American Sovereignty at G-20 Summit?

C.J. Graham

C. J. Graham:  Cyber-Security Legislation Has Origins in 'Summit of the Americas'

Roy Warden  The Patriot with Steel Balls!

Roy Warden:  From Tea Parties to Socialism - The Third American Revolution Has Begun

Mark Cromer

Mark Cromer: No, You Can't!

Obama's Promised Drive for Immigration Amnesty is Going to Fail

Bonnie Erbe

Bonnie Erbe: POLL: Immigration Amnesty Remains Unpopular Outside the beltway; Politicians Remain Clueless

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: VIDEO: The Janet Napolitano Walkback Begins - Beware the Open Borders Hag

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum: The Elephant in the Room: Obama vs. United States

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: A Burning Question for Pres. Obama

Marc Rotterman: Amnesty + No Border Fence = Disaster

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!

John Lillpop   

John Lillpop: Americans FED UP with Politicians Who Refuse to Enforce the Law!

Former Kansas State Trooper Greg Evensen  Former Kansas State Trooper

Greg Evensen: Communism Thrives: Obama's Deadly "Change" Lives On

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of INS 

Michael Cutler: Violent Gangs From All Over The World Infest American Cities

Dave Gibson

Dave Gibson: The American People Deserve an Investigation of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton

JUDICIAL WATCH: Senator Barbara Boxer Attempting to Halt Immigration Law Enforcement

Steve Oelrich: Don't Cry for the Illegal-Immigrant Tuition Bill

Tom Barrett

Tom Barrett: With a President Like This, Who Needs Enemies?

R. Eugene Mills: Bad Dream to Give More to Illegal Aliens

Robert Fireovid: No Need to Reward Illegal Immigrants

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: Obama Census Plan: No Illegal Alien Left Behind

Brenda Walker: The Binghamton Massacre: Latest Case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: Senator Chris Romer Most Underhanded, Dirty Politician in Colorado

Lynn Stuter    Absolute Must Read!

Lynn Stuter: The Obama Machine Affirms Its Fear of Losing Office

Michelle Malkin 

Michelle Malkin: The Shut Up and Swallow Congress

Michael Cutler  29-Year Veteran of INS 

Michael Cutler: Government Failure to Arrest Illegal Aliens Fails American Citizens

MATT TAIBBI  A Long but Absolute Must Read!

Rolling Stone Magazine's Matt Tiabbi: The Big Takeover

Jacob Monty: GOP Must Call Obama's Bluff on Immigration

Joel S. Hirschhorn 

Joel S. Hirschhorn: From Populist Rage to Revolution

Luke Schieve: Raids on Illegal Immigrants Justified

Chuck Baldwin    MUST READ!

Chuck Baldwin: Missouri Scraps the Secret M.I.A.C. Law Enforcement Report

Walter E. Williams   

Walter E. Williams: States Rebellion Pending

Brenda Walker: Dead Culture Walking: Muslim Colonization of Europe Should Frighten America

Dr. Fred Schwarz: The Heart, Mind and Soul of Communism

Alane Mercer: Nancy Pelosi is Giving Patriotism Away

Debra J. Saunders

Debra J. Saunders: The Speaker's Jack-Booted Government Thugs

Joel Skousen    MUST READ!

Joel Skousen: The Fix Is In For The Owners Of The Fed

John Lillpop   

John Lillpop: Illegal Aliens Bring Disease to America - Carriers of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Ted Nugent   

Ted Nugent: Be Defiant, Fight for the 10th Amendment

Chuck Baldwin   

Chuck Baldwin: My Response to the M.I.A.C. Secret Police Report

Ron Ewart

Ron Ewart: A Tale of Two Courageous County Sheriffs

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: Feds Capture Fleeing Mexican Murder Suspect in California

Steve Hempfling: Attorney General Eric Holder Living Up to Reputation as Gun Grabber

Devvy Kidd   

Devvy Kidd: Success and More Treachery

Gregory D. Lee

Gregory D. Lee: Create U.S. Jobs by Deporting Illegal Aliens

Alan Stang: The Sheriff - More Powerful Than the President

Ann Coulter               Ron Silver

Ann Coulter: Ron Silver's Bravery Not an Act

Patrick Wood   

Patrick Wood: The Radical Polarization of Law Enforcement

Chuck Baldwin      MUST READ!

Chuck Baldwin: Missouri State Police Think You and I Are Terrorists

John Lillpop   

John Lillpop: More Deserving of Health Care: Disabled War Vets or Illegal Aliens?

Ronald Kessler   

Ronald Kessler: Obama Losing Faith in Himself

Washington Times: Obama Secretly Ending Program That Lets Pilots Carry Guns

Joseph Farah   

Joseph Farah: 3 Cheers for Orly Taitz

Nick Weyland

Nick Weyland: Obama Administration Fails to Enforce Immigration Law

Major Craig T. Trebilcock  an October 2000 article with not so good news

Major Craig T. Trebilcock, U.S. Army Reserves: The Myth of Posse Comitatus

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: Denver Post's Failure to Address What Bugs Coloradans

Devvy Kidd    MUST READ!

Devvy Kidd: Obama Eligibility Issue Must Be Resolved Soon

Chuck Baldwin   

Chuck Baldwin: Remembering the Alamo

E. J. Montini                  Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

E. J. Montini: Sheriff Arpaio Victim of Witch Hunt

Gary Troisi: Immigration Problem Demands Action, Not Sympathy

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: A Sellout of Our Unemployed

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: No Happy Face: Illegal Alien Crime Wave Continues

Al Ritter - Boston Conservative Examiner   

Al Ritter: Democrats, the Crack Cocaine Dealers of the Political World

Ron Hart: Democrats' Immigration Policy:

No Juan Left Behind

Michael Cutler  Retired 29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Corruption in Immigration Agency Endangers Americans

Bobby Eberle

Bobby Eberle: Protecting the Country Means Protecting the Border


Michelle Malkin: Queen Nancy: Fly As I Say, Not As I Fly

John Stossel

John Stossel: The Fatal Conceit

Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Lyndon Baines Obama

David Gibson: DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is WRONG

Kevin Hassett

Kevin Hassett: 'Manchurian Candidate' Starts War on Business

Karen L. Bune: Plaudits for Immigration Stand

Kevin J. Behan: Illegal Aliens Getting Free Ride


Michelle Malkin: Stimulating Illegal Alien Jobs

Jack Cafferty: 300,000 Illegal Aliens to Get Stimulus Construction Jobs?

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: Political Leaders Ignore Illegal Alien Killers, Rapists, and Assorted Thugs

Ernest Istook: 'Quiet Amnesty' in the Works, Compliments of Obama

Charles Krauthammer 

Charles Krauthammer: Deception at Core of Obama Plans

Michael J. Boskin: Obama's Radicalism is Killing the Dow

Phil Kerpen   MUST READ!

Phil Kerpen: Obama's Top Five Broken Promises

Greg Evensen

Former Kansas Trooper Greg Evensen: 1776 and Today: It is Time to Refresh the Tree of Liberty

David Weigel

David Weigel: Ron Paul; a Voice in the Wilderness No More

Travis Holland: Attention U.S. Citizens: Don't Defend Yourselves

Are You Ready for War?: Words from a Border Patrol Agent

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: In-State Tuition for Criminal Aliens Wrong on Every Level

Brent Baker                     Chandra Levy killed by illegal alien

Brent Baker: National Media Avoid Identifying Chandra Levy Murder Suspect as an Illegal Alien

Douglas Edward Hayward: Illegal Immigrants Have Contributed Significantly to Our Economic Devastation

U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith

U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith: Diligence Helps Resist Stealth Amnesty

Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge: What if America Opened its Borders to Unlimited Immigration?

Bill Witt: They're Illegal Aliens, Not Immigrants

Larry Schweinsburg: Glad ICE Targets Illegal Immigrants

Senator Tom Coburn

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK): The Stimulus is a Step Towards a Soviet America

Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky: Obama's Revenge

Michael Cutler  Retired 29-Year Veteran of I.N.S.

Michael Cutler: Congress Fiddles While America Burns

Steven Malanga: Should We Let California Go Bankrupt?

           Chandra Levy and Ingmar Guandique

Michelle Malkin: Return of the Chandra Levy Case - and Illegal Alien Sex Offender Ingmar Guandique

Jim Kouri 

Jim Kouri: The Two Faces of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

Roselyn Nesbit: Concerned About Growing Number of Illegal Immigrants

Lance L. Landon   MUST READ!

Lance L. Landon: Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and the Federal Government

Robert Wical: Stimulus Punishes American Workers

    MUST READ!   Obama-ACORN-symbol 84 x 94

Michelle Malkin: Obama's Housing Entitlement Campaign and ACORN's Civil Disobedience Mob

Andy Sher

Andy Sher: Tennessee Lawmakers Join Effort to Challenge Obama's Citizenship

Union-Bulletin Editorial Board: Washington State Shouldn't Grant Student Aid to Illegal Immigrants

Washington Times Editorial: Illegal Alien Outrage

Nick Maurus: Rancher Deserves Praise, Not Lawsuit

Rachel Marsden

Rachel Marsden: Joe Biden: Rain Man of the Democratic Party

Jimmy Eller: Citizens Must Take Back the Country from Illegals

R. L. Jackson: Send Illegals Back Home

Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo                       NumbersUSA

Critical Message from Tom Tancredo: Help NumbersUSA Take Our Immigration Enforcement Battle to the States & Counties


F. Vincent Vernuccio: When Illegal Immigrants Have More Rights Than U.S.

Byron J. Richards 

Byron J. Richards: Obama Snuck Health Care Reform in the Stimulus Bill

Kevin Rogers/Arizona Farm Bureau: Enough is Enough

Walter E. Williams 

Walter E. Williams: The Hell with Our Constitution

Bobby Eberle 

Bobby Eberle: U.S. Census Becomes Focus of Latest Power Grab by Obama Regime

Bay Buchanan  MUST READ !

Bay Buchanan: Mexican Meltdown: America's Most Imminent Threat

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: 'Buy American' -- or Bye-Bye America

William Gheen 

William Gheen: The Untold Story of American Workers vs. Illegal Immigration

Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Why Did This Happen?

Pete Sandoval: Swap GITMO Prisoners for Illegal Aliens

Victor Davis Hanson 

Victor Davis Hanson: The Impending Obama Meltdown

Elise Marciano: Danbury Voters Back Enforcement of Laws

Al Hamburg: Illegal Aliens Hurt Americans

Rudy Gersten 

Rudy Gersten: Daschle's Hypocrisy

Bill O'Reilly 

Bill O'Reilly: How the Far Left Plans to Change America by Using Illegal Immigrants

Rush Limbaugh  MUST READ !

Rush Limbaugh: "It's a mistake for the left to pit me against the president, because I don't buckle."


Michelle Malkin: Stimulus Slush Funds for Housing Entitlement Thugs

Larry Elder  

Larry Elder:  Obama: The Endless Honeymoon?

Heather MacDonald  

Heather MacDonald: Stand Firm, Kirsten

Cal THomas  

Cal Thomas:  Once More Into the Breach

James Fulford: Killer's Immigration Status Mentionable in Regard to Gun Control

Ernest Istook: Obama-Pelosi Plan Would Create 32 Government Programs

Charles C. Lundy: Illegal Immigrants are a Large Part of Crime Problem

Jim Elvin: Illegal Aliens Are Not Good for the Country

Jim Kouri  

Jim Kouri, CPP:  Illegal Alien Gang Violence Proliferating in U.S.

Jim L. Cunningham  

Jim L. Cunningham: Will Illegal Immigrants Take the Stimulus Jobs?

John Lillpop

John Lillpop: Illegal Re-Emigration a HUGE Problem in Mexico!

Nick Maurus: Better Defense Against Illegal Aliens Needed

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: No, We Don't Have a President

DNROnline Editorial: Another Drunk Alien, Another Dead American

Lowell E. Hedges: New Congress to Sneak in Amnesty for Illegals

Yeh Ling-Ling

Yeh Ling-Ling: More Immigration Will Test U.S. Economy, Unity

Dave Gibson: Those Who Hire Illegal Aliens Are Today's Slave Masters

Catherine Ann Howard: Crack Down on Illegal Immigrants


Michelle Malkin: Middle of the Night Bailout for Bank of America

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin: Praise for Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson

John Lillpop

John Lillpop: Prominent Democrat Calls Illegal Aliens 'Free Loaders and Scam Artists'

Gary H. Price:  Letter: Defining 'Illegal Alien'

Stephen M. Kirby: Illegal Immigrants Do Displace U.S. Workers


Michelle Malkin: Border, Immigration Problems Continue; U.S. Government Still Failing Its Job

Devvy Kidd  

Devvy Kidd: Ignoring the Solutions Won't Fix the Problems

Richard C. Schapper: Unconstitutionally Elected?

Froma Harrop: Close Loophole That Hurts Skilled U.S. Workers


Michelle Malkin: The State of the Borders

Patrick J. Buchanan 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Blago Raises the Stakes

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