27 Year Veteran of the Border Patrol
David J. Stoddard:
The Sanctuary Deception
August 21, 2007
The infamous Elvira Arellano (probably not her real name) is back on
Mexican soil as of this moment. Elvira will likely return with a new
name and new documents once LA Raza, MALDEF, LULAC and the liberal
churches are through with her. She had become a "poster child" for the
"sanctuary movement" and a
cause celebre' for open borders advocates, anarchists and ethnic pimps.
She had a U.S. Citizen child, almost certainly at U.S. taxpayer expense
and she was being supported by others. Soon the special interests will
light their candles deifying another "victim" of our "broken"
immigration laws. There is nothing wrong with our immigration laws other
than the simple fact that
they haven't been enforced for 20 years or more.
I first became acquainted with the so-called Sanctuary Movement in the
early 1980's. While working in Yuma apprehending truck loads of
Salvadorians, I discovered that upon arrest they claimed that they, like
Mexicans, came to the USA looking for work.
On several occasions, before the load of Salvadorians were processed and
even before they arrived at the Border Patrol Station, people claiming
to be lawyers were telephoning and demanding to speak to their
"clients". I don't remember even one incident in which the "lawyer"
could name his client. Not
once. But they all knew they were representing some Salvadorian.
Then, once they arrived at detention centers and after being exposed to
immigration lawyers, the Salvadorians suddenly became refugees fleeing a
civil war. There were just a few who had scars and who had obviously
suffered torture. Those were quickly identified and put on the path to
asylum status, by none other than; you guessed it, Border Patrol
But the overwhelming majority of the Salvadorians and Nicaraguans
initially claimed to be either joining family or seeking better paying
The whole doctrine of "Sanctuary" has been distorted and politicized.
In Biblical times, criminals were punished quickly and severely. Many
crimes carried the death penalty by immediate stoning. There arose a
mechanism to provide the criminal an avenue to repent and make peace
with his God. If he were able to flee to the Temple and lay his hand on
the altar, he was given time to do what he had to do with his Maker.
Thusly, the
Doctrine of Sanctuary was born. As long as the fugitive could keep his
hand on the altar, he couldn't be arrested and punished. This period was
brief due to natural needs and that was the end of that. The Doctrine
was never used to prevent the criminal from consequences and it was
never an excuse for civil disobedience.
One of the founders of present day sanctuary practices was a
Presbyterian minister named Fife. Fife organized the "Sanctuary
Movement" and was joined by other liberal theologians.
They organized what they called the "Underground Railroad" and used it to
transport and harbor all Central Americans. Those Central Americans were
parceled out presumably all over the USA.
Also in the 80's, there was a young mother living in Tucson who was brutally
murdered by a Salvadorian. The Salvadorian had been given "sanctuary" at the
residence of this family. While he was taking care of the grounds "earning
his living", the family was able to feel all warm and fuzzy providing
sanctuary to a Salvadorian obtaining labor for the cost of food and
electricity. The family paid a terrible price for their misguided effort.
This particular Salvadorian was never 'officially" connected to
Rev. Fife's Sanctuary Movement, mainly because officialdom didn't want to do
so. Fife was convicted of other crimes but was given what amounted to a
nasty look from a sympathetic judge and released.
I debated Reverend Fife a few years ago on PBS. I was the only one on the
panel representing law and order. On the other side were Reverend Fife and
two Hispanic journalists. Quickly the journalists were silenced by facts,
law and empirical data. It became a "debate" solely between me and Reverend
Fife. He lied, distorted, misrepresented the facts, and played the race
card. The victor is, of course, in the perceptions of the audience, but I
feel confident that I kicked his butt. After the cameras were turned off, he
acknowledged that I was correct on many points to the dismay of the
Many Americans believe that our Immigration Laws were enacted to keep people
out. While that is the practical effect, the primary goal of our laws is to
protect the American Public from terrorists, subversives, the insane,
criminals and those who are likely to become public charges, (those who must
be supported by taxpayers).
That young mother in Tucson is but one of many victims of those who consider
themselves altruistic, noble and somehow morally superior engaging in "civil
disobedience" and offering "sanctuary" to those who have sneaked into this
I often wonder how many MS-13 members are being imported by the Sanctuary
Movement. The "movement" has never died, but many U.S. citizens and legal
residents have died at the hands of this ruthless gang. The latest examples
are those poor black students in New Jersey. Some media outlets have
speculated that the perpetrators are gang members.the Mara Salvatrucha
(MS-13) to be more exact. The politicians avoid addressing that aspect of
the murders.
One fact is certain; those perpetrators are too young to be seeking asylum
from the Central American civil wars. So, why have they been protected and
allowed to remain to victimize innocent Americans?
Frankly, where in the U.S. Constitution or in our Founding Documents is
thisgrossly abused Sanctuary Doctrine justified? Nowhere is this doctrine
justified. It is just a convenient Media Myth disguised as a "humane"
observation of "human rights" which has come to mean whatever the liberal
media and ethnic whores want those words to mean.