Representative Wright, who
currently holds the majority caucus leader position in the
Oklahoma House, will be speaking on
Involvement in the Legislative Process and will
teach citizens how to access the Oklahoma legislative websites
to find and read bills.
This important meeting will focus
on the real 'nuts and bolts' of how to search and track a bill
through the sometimes complex legislative process.
Included in the instruction will be pointers on how to
recognize authorization
language, what and how shell bills are utilized, and how to
examine links to the Federal Register.
OK-SAFE will discuss their legislative goals
for this all-important year and strongly encourages all OK-SAFE
members and friends to attend.
Q & A time will follow this presentation so
have your questions ready to go.
The OK legislature reconvenes
the first part of February and will be every bit as important as
last year's. Many of us believe that there will now be
opposition from supporters of a North American Union,
NASCO/NAFTA Superhighway, Public-Private Partnerships and those
who support the presence of illegal aliens in our state. Please
make plans to attend Thursday, January 10th, at 6:45