I.  R.  O.  N. 


P. O. BOX 1204       JENKS, OK  74037 – 9998

918-906-6027     WWW.OKIRON.ORG

June 15, 2010



Tulsa City Councilors:


The June 16th Tulsa World Article “City Leaders decry proposed ordinance” states in paragraph 8:

          But provisions that have gone into effect in November, 2007, require public employers (state, city and country)  to use the online E-Verify federal verification system to check the residency status of all new employees and prohibit them from contracting with businesses that don’t use the system,” so authors Maranon and Barber understood the law requirements of HB1804.  Is Councilman Jack Henderson telling Tulsa citizens that Tulsa hiring practices have been in violation of state law?    Why is the E-Verify system not already in use in Tulsa as required?   Citizens hold City leaders accountable for defying State law HB1804.


Sections 7 and 9 were sued by the U.S. Chamber, Tulsa and Oklahoma State Chambers of Commerce,  to stop private employers from adhering to the law.


HB1804 Section 6:1 “Status Verification System” shall mean any electronic system operated by the Federal Government through which an authorized official of an agency of the State of Oklahoma or of a political subdivision therein, (city, county, state)  may make an inquiry, by exercise of authority delegated pursuant to Section 1373 of Title 8 of the United Stated Code to verify or ascertain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual within the jurisdiction of the agency for any purpose authorized by Section 7 of the act.


Section 6:2  “Public Employer” means every department, agency, or instrumentality of the State or a political subdivision of the state. (city, county, state)


Consult your attorneys immediately if Tulsa is in violation either intentionally or unintentionally or be prepared for leaders to be recalled by the Citizens of Tulsa for refusing to enforce laws they disagree with.


Disappointed Citizen


Carol Helm – Director IRON Group